Books in Browsing: History - General (sorted alphabetically by author)
- An Answer to a Question that Nobody thinks of, viz., But what if the Queen should Die? Daniel Defoe
- Augusta Triumphans Daniel Defoe
- The Storm Daniel Defoe
- The buccaneers and marooners of America : Being an account of the famous adventures and daring deeds of certain notorious freebooters of the Spanish Main Daniel Defoe and A. O. Exquemelin
- History of American Abolitionism F. G. De Fontaine
- Lettre de Defrance à Bion, sur sa réponse aux objections contre l'établissement de la régie intéressée des postes et messageries (French) Jean Claude Defrance
- Opinion par Defrance, sur les postes et messageries: Séance du 28 Fructidor, an IV (French) Jean Claude Defrance
- Opinion de Defrance, sur les postes et messageries: Séance du 16 Pluviôse, an V (French) Jean Claude Defrance
- Visszaemlékezéseim (1. kötet) (Hungarian) Alajos Degré
- Visszaemlékezéseim (2. kötet) (Hungarian) Alajos Degré
- Storia comparata degli usi nuziali in Italia e presso gli altri popoli indo-europei (Italian) Angelo De Gubernatis
- Les Merveilles de la Locomotion (French) E. Deharme
- Sixteen years in Siberia: Some experiences of a Russian revolutionist L. G. Deich
- Siam: Land of Free Men H. G. Deignan
- L'Instruction Publique en France et en Italie au dix-neuvième siècle (French) Charles Dejob
- The Counts of Gruyère Anna De Koven
- Engraving: Its Origin, Processes, and History comte Henri Delaborde
- Anselme Adorne, Sire de Corthuy, Pèlerin De Terre-Sainte (French) Edmond De La Coste
- A woman's wanderings and trials during the Anglo-Boer War Jacoba Elizabeth De la Rey
- Historical difficulties and contested events Octave Delepierre
- The Romance of the Colorado River Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh
- Journal d'un sous-officier, 1870 (French) Amédée Delorme
- Galleria dos Vice-reis e Governadores da India Portugueza (Portuguese) José Maria Delorme Colaço
- Les manieurs d'argent à Rome jusqu'à l'Empire (French) Antonin Deloume
- The World's Progress, Vol. 01 (of 10) Delphian Society