Books in Browsing: History - General (sorted alphabetically by author)
- The Pedestrian's Guide through North Wales G. J. Bennett
- Master Skylark: A Story of Shakspere's Time John Bennett
- Under the periscope Mark Herbert Joseph Bennett
- Südliche Reise (German) Henry Benrath
- Life in a mediæval city : illustrated by York in the XVth century Edwin Benson
- The White Eagle of Poland E. F. Benson
- The Capsina: An Historical Novel E. F. Benson
- Crescent and Iron Cross E. F. Benson
- Deutschland Über Allah E. F. Benson
- Our Family Affairs, 1867-1896 E. F. Benson
- The Biography of a Rabbit Roy Benson
- "Back from hell" Samuel Cranston Benson
- Titian S. L. Bensusan
- Morocco S. L. Bensusan
- The ruined cities of Mashonaland: Being a record of excavation and exploration in 1891 J. Theodore Bent
- Southern Arabia J. Theodore Bent and Mrs. Theodore Bent
- The fifth of November : a romance of the Stuarts Charles S. Bentley and Frank Kimball Scribner
- Life on the Congo W. Holman Bentley
- Josephus Norman Bentwich
- Opere, Volume Secondo : scritti critici e letterari (Italian) Giovanni Berchet
- La Repubblica di Venezia e la Persia (Italian) Guglielmo Berchet
- Zes maanden op Cuba—Havana (Dutch) Charles Berchon
- The Origin and Growth of the Healing Art Edward Berdoe
- The Digger Movement in the Days of the Commonwealth Lewis Henry Berens
- The Florentine Painters of the Renaissance Bernard Berenson