Books in Browsing: History - General (sorted alphabetically)
- Agricola (Finnish) Cornelius Tacitus
- agricultural and forest products of British West Africa Gerald C. Dudgeon
- Aikamme uros (Finnish) Mikhail Iurevich Lermontov
- Aili: Kertomus (Finnish) Maila Talvio
- Air Men o' War Boyd Cable
- Ajan käänteessä: Isänmaallisia runoja ja ballaadeja (Finnish) Larin-Kyösti
- Akbar: een oosterse roman (Dutch) P. A. S. van Limburg Brouwer
- Akbar, Emperor of India: A Picture of Life and Customs from the Sixteenth Century Richard Garbe
- Albania : A narrative of recent travel E. F. Knight
- Albert (French) Louis Dumur
- Albert Ballin Bernhard Huldermann
- Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile, And Explorations of the Nile Sources Sir Samuel White Baker
- albori della vita Italiana (Italian) Various
- Alchemy: Ancient and Modern H. Stanley Redgrove
- Alcibiades II Plato
- Aleph, the Chaldean; or, the Messiah as Seen from Alexandria E. F. Burr
- Alexandre Herculano (Portuguese) Diogo Rosa Machado
- Alexandria: A History and a Guide E. M. Forster
- Alfred Kihlman: Elämän kuvaus. 1 (of 2) (Finnish) Eliel Aspelin-Haapkylä
- Alfried Krupp: Ein Lebensbild (German) Herman Frobenius
- Al fronte (maggio-ottobre 1915) (Italian) Luigi Barzini
- Algemeene Geschiedenis in Verhalen: Oudheid (Dutch) H. Solger
- Algeria and Tunis Frances E. Nesbitt
- Algeria from within R. V. C. Bodley
- Algonquin Maiden: A Romance of the Early Days of Upper Canada G. Mercer Adam and A. Ethelwyn Wetherald