Books in Browsing: History - General (sorted alphabetically)
Biographies of Working Men Grant Allen
Biographies of Working Men Grant Allen
Biography of a Rabbit Roy Benson
Biological analogies in history Theodore Roosevelt
Biology and Its Makers William A. Locy
Birálatok, 1861-1903 (Hungarian) Pál Gyulai
Biribi: Discipline militaire (French) Georges Darien
Birth and Babyhood of the Telephone Thomas Augustus Watson
Birth of the Nation, Jamestown, 1607 Sara Agnes Rice Pryor
Birth of the Telephone Thomas Augustus Watson
Birth of Tragedy; or, Hellenism and Pessimism Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 1 Henry Baerlein
Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 2 Henry Baerlein
Bismarck : some secret pages of his history (Vol. 1 of 3). Being a diary kept by Dr. Moritz Busch during twenty-five years' official and private intercourse with the great Chancellor Moritz Busch
Bismarck : some secret pages of his history (Vol. 2 of 3). Being a diary kept by Dr. Moritz Busch during twenty-five years' official and private intercourse with the great Chancellor Moritz Busch
Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire James Wycliffe Headlam
Bismarck et la France (French) Jacques Bainville
Bismarck: some secret pages of his history (Vol. 3 of 3). Being a diary kept by Dr. Moritz Busch during twenty-five years' official and private intercourse with the great Chancellor Moritz Busch
Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses Robert Louis Stevenson
Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses Robert Louis Stevenson
Black Barque T. Jenkins Hains
Blackbeard: Buccaneer Ralph Delahaye Paine
Black-Bearded Barbarian : The Life of George Leslie Mackay of Formosa Mary Esther Miller MacGregor
Black Beaver, the Trapper James Campbell Lewis and George Edward Lewis
Black Box: A Tale of Monmouth's Rebellion W. Bourne Cooke