Books in Browsing: History - General (sorted by popularity)
Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan, Volume 1 (of 2) Isabella L. Bird 479 downloads
The Truth about the Titanic Archibald Gracie 478 downloads
Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official Sir W. H. Sleeman 478 downloads
The History of Silk, Cotton, Linen, Wool, and Other Fibrous Substances; Clinton G. Gilroy 478 downloads
Appreciations, with an Essay on Style Walter Pater 478 downloads
Five Years' Explorations at Thebes Earl of George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert Carnarvon and Howard Carter 478 downloads
Henry VIII and His Court Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree 477 downloads
Germany in War Time: What an American Girl Saw and Heard Mary Ethel McAuley 477 downloads
Great African Travellers: From Mungo Park to Livingstone and Stanley William Henry Giles Kingston 476 downloads
We Philologists Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 475 downloads
The Chinese Classics — Volume 1: Confucian Analects (Chinese) James Legge 475 downloads
The Atlas of Ancient and Classical Geography Samuel Butler 475 downloads
The Humbugs of the World P. T. Barnum 474 downloads
A history of social thought Emory S. Bogardus 474 downloads
The Rise of the Russian Empire Saki 474 downloads
Bloodletting Instruments in the National Museum of History and Technology Audrey B. Davis and Toby A. Appel 472 downloads
A History of the Nineteenth Century, Year by Year. Volume 2 (of 3) Edwin Emerson 472 downloads
The history of steam navigation John Kennedy 472 downloads
Archaic England : an essay in deciphering prehistory from megalithic monuments, earthworks, customs, coins, place-names, and faerie superstitions Harold Bayley 471 downloads
History of Australia and New Zealand from 1606 to 1890 Alexander Sutherland and George Sutherland 471 downloads
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 23 of 55 471 downloads
The Paston Letters, A.D. 1422-1509. Volume 6 (of 6), Part 1 (Letters, Chronological Table) 471 downloads
Narrative and Critical History of America, Vol. 2 (of 8) 471 downloads
Expériences et observations sur l'électricité faites à Philadelphie en Amérique (French) Benjamin Franklin 471 downloads
The Cat of Bubastes: A Tale of Ancient Egypt G. A. Henty 470 downloads