Books in Browsing: History - Warfare (sorted alphabetically by author)
From Fort Henry to Corinth M. F. Force
Life in the Confederate Army Arthur Peronneau Ford and Marion Johnstone Ford
No More Parades: A novel Ford Madox Ford
Torchy and Vee Sewell Ford
With the Rank and File Thomas J. Ford
From Snotty to Sub Wolston B. C. W. Forester
From Dartmouth to the Dardanelles: A Midshipman's Log Wolston B. C. W. Forester
The Journal of Submarine Commander von Forstner Freiherr von Georg-Günther Forstner
Als U-Boots-Kommandant gegen England (German) Freiherr von Georg-Günther Forstner
British Campaigns in Flanders 1690-1794 Sir J. W. Fortescue
A History of the 17th Lancers (Duke of Cambridge's Own) Sir J. W. Fortescue
A History of the British Army, Vol. 2 Sir J. W. Fortescue
Military History: Lectures Delivered at Trinity College, Cambridge Sir J. W. Fortescue
A History of the British Army, Vol. 1 Sir J. W. Fortescue
John Porter Fort: A Memorial, and Personal Reminiscences John Porter Fort
Organization: How Armies are Formed for War Hubert Foster
War Stories for my Grandchildren John Watson Foster
Behind the Scenes in Warring Germany Edward Lyell Fox
G. H. Q. (Montreuil-Sur-Mer) by "G.S.O." Frank Fox
The King's Pilgrimage Frank Fox
The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come Jr. John Fox
Following the Sun-Flag: A Vain Pursuit Through Manchuria Jr. John Fox
Crittenden: A Kentucky Story of Love and War Jr. John Fox
The Gods are Athirst Anatole France
De la mer aux Vosges (French) Franc-Nohain