Books in Browsing: How To... (sorted alphabetically)
Spitzen und ihre Charakteristik (German) Bertha von Jurie
Spons' Household Manual
Stain Removal from Fabrics: Home Methods Margaret Smith Furry
Stair-Building and the Steel Square Fred. T. Hodgson and Morris Williams
Still-Room Harry Roberts and Mrs. Charles Roundell
Stocking-Knitter's Manual: A Handy Book for the Work-Table Mrs. George Cupples
Stoles and shawls: hairpin lace, knitted, crocheted American Thread Company
Stoles: Knitted; Crocheted; Hairpin Lace American Thread Company
Story of Glass Sara Ware Bassett
story of my first novel; How a novel is written Duchess
Story of Porcelain Sara Ware Bassett
Story of Silk Sara Ware Bassett
Story of Wool Sara Ware Bassett
Taxidermy without a Teacher Walter Porter Manton
Technique of Fiction Writing Robert Saunders Dowst
Textiles and Clothing Kate Heintz Watson
Theory and Practice of Perspective G. A. Storey
Things To Make Archibald Williams
Things Worth Doing and How To Do Them Lina Beard and Adelia B. Beard
Toilet of Flora Pierre-Joseph Buc'hoz
Toy-Making at Home: How to Make a Hundred Toys from Odds and Ends Morley Adams
Treatise on Grain Stacking John N. De Lamater
Treatise on Hat-Making and Felting hatter John Thomson
Underground Treasures: How and Where to Find Them James Orton
universal directory for taking alive and destroying rats : and all other kinds of four-footed and winged vermin, in a method hitherto unattempted : calculated for the use of the gentleman, the farmer, and the warrener Robert Smith