Books in Browsing: Humour (sorted alphabetically)
motley jest : Shakespearean diversions Oscar Fay Adams
Motley Muse (Rhymes for the Times) Harry Graham
moyen de parvenir, tome 1/3 (French) Béroalde de Verville
moyen de parvenir, tome 2/3 (French) Béroalde de Verville
moyen de parvenir, tome 3/3 (French) Béroalde de Verville
M. P.'s in Session: From Mr. Punch's Parliamentary Portrait Gallery Harry Furniss
Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica John Kendrick Bangs
Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War Finley Peter Dunne
Mr. Dooley: In the Hearts of His Countrymen Finley Peter Dunne
Mr. Dooley Says Finley Peter Dunne
Mr. Dooley's Philosophy Finley Peter Dunne
Mr. Hawkins' Humorous Adventures Edgar Franklin
Mr. Munchausen John Kendrick Bangs
Mr. Prohack Arnold Bennett
Mr. Punch Afloat: The Humours of Boating and Sailing
Mr. Punch at Home: The Comic Side of Domestic Life
Mr. Punch at the Play: Humours of Music and the Drama
Mr. Punch at the Seaside
Mr. Punch Awheel: The Humours of Motoring and Cycling
Mr. Punch in Bohemia Various
Mr. Punch in Society: Being the Humours of Social Life
Mr. Punch in the Highlands
Mr. Punch in the Hunting Field
Mr. Punch in Wig and Gown: The Lighter Side of Bench and Bar
Mr. Punch on the Continong