Books in Browsing: Humour (sorted alphabetically)
Illiterate Digest Will Rogers
Imaginary Interviews William Dean Howells
Imaginary Invalid Molière
Imperfectly Proper Peter Donovan
Impertinent Poems Edmund Vance Cooke
Importance of Being Earnest Oscar Wilde
In a Canadian Canoe; The Nine Muses Minus One, and Other Stories Barry Pain
In Brief Authority F. Anstey
Inca of Perusalem: An Almost Historical Comedietta Bernard Shaw
Incidents of the War: Humorous, Pathetic, and Descriptive Alfred Burnett
Incubator Baby Ellis Parker Butler
Indiscretions of Archie P. G. Wodehouse
Infernal Marriage Earl of Beaconsfield Benjamin Disraeli
Ingoldsby Legends; or, Mirth and Marvels Thomas Ingoldsby
Inimitable Jeeves P. G. Wodehouse
In Pastures New George Ade
International cartoons of the war
Interruptions Tom Woottwell
In the Library W. W. Jacobs
In the line of duty H. P. S. Greene
In the Sweet Dry and Dry Christopher Morley and Bart Haley
Introduction to Sally Elizabeth Von Arnim
Intrusion of Jimmy P. G. Wodehouse
Inventions of the Idiot John Kendrick Bangs
Io cerco moglie! Romanzo (Italian) Alfredo Panzini