Books in Browsing: Language & Communication (sorted alphabetically)
Etymology of Local Names Richard Morris
Evenor et Leucippe: Les amours de l'Âge d'Or; Légende antidéluvienne (French) George Sand
Every-Day Errors of Speech L. P. Meredith
evolution of English lexicography Sir James Augustus Henry Murray
Evolution of Expression — Volume 1 Charles Wesley Emerson
Evolution of Expression, Volume 2—Revised Charles Wesley Emerson
Exercises upon the Different Parts of Italian Speech, with References to Veneroni's Grammar Ferdinando Bottarelli
Expository Writing Mervin James Curl
Expressive Voice Culture, Including the Emerson System Jessie Eldridge Southwick
Extempore Speech: How to Acquire and Practice It William Pittenger
Extracto de la gramatica mutsun (Spanish) (North American Indian languages) Felipe Arroyo de la Cuesta
Fables of Phædrus Phaedrus
Fabulae, virginibus puerisque aut narrandae aut recitandae (Latin) R. B. Appleton
Fábulas de Esopo, Vol. 02 (Spanish) Aesop and George Fyler Townsend
Fairyland planet John Silletto
Familiar dialogues : for the instruction of them, that be desirous to learne to speake English, and perfectlye to pronounce the same Jacques Bellot
Familiar Quotations
Favorite Nursery Rhymes Anonymous
femmes et le langage (French) Remy de Gourmont
Ferdinand Huyck (Dutch) J. van Lennep
Feu de joie (French) Aragon
Few Practical Suggestions Logan Pearsall Smith and Society for Pure English
Few Suggestions to McGraw-Hill Authors. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Fialho d'Almeida (Portuguese) Visconde de Bento de Oliveira Cardoso Villa-Moura
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases Grenville Kleiser