Books in Browsing: Literature (sorted by popularity)
The Hyborian Age Robert E. Howard 697 downloads
Dictionnaire du bon langage (French) N.-J. Carpentier 697 downloads
Bases da ortografia portuguesa (Portuguese) A. R. Gonçalves Viana and G. de Vasconcellos Abreu 697 downloads
Max Havelaar; or, the coffee auctions of the Dutch trading company Multatuli 697 downloads
James Fenimore Cooper Mary Elizabeth Phillips 696 downloads
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood Howard Pyle 695 downloads
The Day of Doom; Or, a Poetical Description of the Great and Last Judgement Michael Wigglesworth 695 downloads
Histoires ou Contes du temps passé avec des moralités (French) Charles Perrault 694 downloads
Sir Thomas More Shakespeare 694 downloads
Cratylus Plato 694 downloads
Benjamin Franklin : Representative selections, with introduction, bibliograpy, and notes Benjamin Franklin 693 downloads
Twelve Stories and a Dream H. G. Wells 693 downloads
The Night Land William Hope Hodgson 693 downloads
Der Tod in Venedig (German) Thomas Mann 693 downloads
The Wit and Humor of America, Volume III. (of X.) 692 downloads
Macbeth William Shakespeare 691 downloads
Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen 691 downloads
Barrack-room ballads Rudyard Kipling 691 downloads
Sketches New and Old, Part 1. Mark Twain 691 downloads
Aristotle on the art of poetry Aristotle 691 downloads
Old Greek Stories James Baldwin 691 downloads
The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Complete Percy Bysshe Shelley 690 downloads
Bambi Felix Salten 690 downloads
The Tragedies of Seneca Lucius Annaeus Seneca 690 downloads
The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen Rudolf Erich Raspe 690 downloads