Books in Browsing: Nature/Gardening/Animals (sorted alphabetically)
Illustrated Horse Doctor Edward Mayhew
Illustrated Index of British Shells G. B. Sowerby
Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, Volume 1 Dru Drury
Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, Volume 2 Dru Drury
Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, Volume 3 Dru Drury
Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America John Cassin
Illustrations of the birds of Jamaica Philip Henry Gosse
Illustrations of the Family of Psittacidæ, or Parrots Edward Lear
Illustrative Anecdotes of the Animal Kingdom Samuel G. Goodrich
Improved Queen-Rearing; or, How to Rear Large, Prolific, Long-Lived Queen Bees Henry Alley
In a Cheshire Garden: Natural History Notes Geoffrey Egerton-Warburton
In African Forest and Jungle Paul B. Du Chaillu
In Beaver World Enos A. Mills
In Bird Land Leander S. Keyser
In Brightest Africa Carl Ethan Akeley
Indian Birds: Being a Key to the Common Birds of the Plains of India Douglas Dewar
In-Door Gardening for Every Week in the Year gardener William Keane
Industries of Animals Frédéric Houssay
Inmates of My House and Garden Mrs. Brightwen
In Nesting Time Olive Thorne Miller
In New England Fields and Woods Rowland Evans Robinson
In Pastures Green Peter McArthur
In Savage Africa Verney Lovett Cameron
Insect Jules Michelet
Insect Adventures Jean-Henri Fabre and Louise Hasbrouck Zimm