Books in Browsing: Performing Arts/Film (sorted by popularity)
La méchante femme mise à la raison (French) William Shakespeare 154 downloads
The Nephews: A Play, in Five Acts. August Wilhelm Iffland 153 downloads
Tutto per bene: Commedia in 3 atti (Italian) Luigi Pirandello 153 downloads
The Cabinet Minister: A farce in four acts Arthur Wing Pinero 153 downloads
Comediettas and Farces John Maddison Morton 153 downloads
Linda Lee, Incorporated: A Novel Louis Joseph Vance 153 downloads
Stage Confidences: Talks About Players and Play Acting Clara Morris 152 downloads
The soul of the moving picture Walter Julius Bloem 152 downloads
Judas: Romance lirico em quatro jornadas (Portuguese) Augusto de Lacerda 152 downloads
Philaster; Or, Love Lies a Bleeding Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher 152 downloads
Il tamburo di fuoco: Dramma africano di calore, colore, rumori, odori (Italian) F. T. Marinetti 152 downloads
Socrate et sa femme (French) Théodore Faullain de Banville 152 downloads
Le Coq d'Or (The Golden Cock): An Opera in Three Acts (French) 152 downloads
The Art of Iugling or Legerdemaine Samuel Rid 151 downloads
C'est la loi! (French) Max Du Veuzit and George Lomelar 151 downloads
Roses: Four One-Act Plays Hermann Sudermann 151 downloads
La lega dei giovani : commedia in cinque atti (Italian) Henrik Ibsen 151 downloads
La moglie ideale: commedia in tre atti (Italian) Marco Praga 151 downloads
The Critic and the Drama George Jean Nathan 151 downloads
Pélléas and Mélisande; Alladine and Palomides; Home Maurice Maeterlinck 150 downloads
Pictorial Beauty on the Screen Victor Oscar Freeburg 150 downloads
Dolly Reforming Herself: A Comedy in Four Acts Henry Arthur Jones 150 downloads
The Flutter of the Goldleaf, and Other Plays Olive Tilford Dargan and Frederick Peterson 150 downloads
Opera Stories from Wagner Florence Akin 150 downloads
The Autobiography of a Play Bronson Howard 150 downloads