Books in Browsing: Philosophy & Ethics (sorted alphabetically)
Basket of Barley Loaves Mary Christina Miller
Beadle's Dime Book of Practical Etiquette for Ladies and Gentlemen Anonymous
Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung? (German) Immanuel Kant
Bear ye one another's burdens." A Plain Sermon on the Lancashire Distress James Galloway Cowan
Beast in the Jungle Henry James
Beautiful: An Introduction to Psychological Aesthetics Vernon Lee
Beautiful Necessity Claude Fayette Bragdon
Beautiful Thoughts" Henry Drummond
Beauty and the Beast: An Essay in Evolutionary Aesthetic Stewart Andrew McDowall
Bedenkingen tegen de Leer van Darwin (Dutch) Antoine Charles Reuther
Beginner's History of Philosophy, Vol. 1: Ancient and Mediæval Philosophy Herbert Ernest Cushman
Beginner's History of Philosophy, Vol. 2: Modern Philosophy Herbert Ernest Cushman
Beginner's Psychology Edward Bradford Titchener
Begriff der Religion im System der Philosophie (German) Hermann Cohen
Beitrag zur Beurteilung der Lehren Machs : Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde (German) Robert Musil
Belcaro; Being Essays on Sundry Aesthetical Questions Vernon Lee
Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume 1 (of 3) James George Frazer
Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume 2 (of 3) James George Frazer
Believer Not Ashamed of the Gospel Edward Hoare
Believer's Confidence in a Faithful God J. Church
Benedetto Croce: An Introduction to His Philosophy Raffaello Piccoli
Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen (German) Immanuel Kant
Bergson and His Philosophy John Alexander Gunn
Bertha and Her Baptism Nehemiah Adams
Beside the Still Waters Charles Beard