Books in Browsing: Poetry (sorted alphabetically by author)
- The House of Sleep Elizabeth Bartlett
- It Takes Practice Not To Die Elizabeth Bartlett
- Lays of ancient Virginia, and other poems James Avis Bartley
- Autumn Leaves Ardelia Maria Cotton Barton
- The Story of a Pumpkin Pie William E. Barton
- Songs for All Seasons, and Other Poems Cora C. Bass
- Poems Cora C. Bass
- Gedichten (Dutch) Frans Bastiaanse
- Home Lyrics: A Book of Poems H. S. Battersby
- Les épaves de Charles Baudelaire (French) Charles Baudelaire
- The Flowers of Evil Charles Baudelaire
- The Poems and Prose Poems of Charles Baudelaire Charles Baudelaire
- Les Fleurs du Mal (French) Charles Baudelaire
- L'Oeuvre Poètique de Charles Baudelaire: Les Fleurs du Mal (French) Charles Baudelaire
- The Three Hills, and Other Poems Charles Baudelaire and Sir John Collings Squire
- Papers from Overlook-House Frederic W. Beasley
- The Minstrel; or the Progress of Genius James Beattie
- The Poetical Works of James Beattie James Beattie
- Zion: Gedichte (German) Johannes Robert Becher
- Verfall und Triumph, Erster Teil: Gedichte (German) Johannes Robert Becher
- Verbrüderung: Gedichte (German) Johannes Robert Becher
- Gedichte (German) Julius Maria Becker
- Clear Crystals Clara Frances McKee Beede
- Some Broken Twigs Clara Frances McKee Beede
- The Two Twilights Henry A. Beers