Books in Browsing: Poetry (sorted alphabetically by author)
- May Day with the Muses Robert Bloomfield
- Rural Tales, Ballads, and Songs Robert Bloomfield
- The Banks of Wye: A Poem Robert Bloomfield
- The Farmer's Boy: A Rural Poem Robert Bloomfield
- Satan Absolved: A Victorian Mystery Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
- Griselda: a society novel in rhymed verse Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
- Child Whispers Enid Blyton
- What Became of Them? and, The Conceited Little Pig G. Boare
- A Pavorosa Illusão (Portuguese) Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage
- Queixumes do Pastor Elmano Contra a Falsidade da Pastora Urselina (Portuguese) Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage
- Poesias Eroticas, Burlescas, e Satyricas de M.M. de Barbosa du Bocage (Portuguese) Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage
- Mágoas Amorosas de Elmano (Portuguese) Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage
- Improvisos de Bocage (Portuguese) Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage
- Elegia (Portuguese) Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage
- Introducing Irony: A Book of Poetic Short Stories and Poems Maxwell Bodenheim
- Minna and Myself Maxwell Bodenheim
- Against This Age Maxwell Bodenheim
- Advice: A Book of Poems Maxwell Bodenheim
- Poet To His Love Maxwell Bodenheim
- The Sardonic Arm Maxwell Bodenheim
- Orlando innamorato (Italian) Matteo Maria Boiardo
- Le Lutrin, poème héroï-comique (French) Nicolas Boileau Despréaux
- Junge Pferde! Junge Pferde! (German) Paul Boldt
- Lycanthropus C. Edgar Bolen
- The Story of the Two Bulls John R. Bolles