Papers and Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth General Meeting of the American Library Association
U.S. Copyright Renewals, 1974 July - December
Library of Congress. Copyright Office
International Congress of Arts and Science, Volume 1
Proceedings of the second National Conservation Congress at Saint Paul, September 5-8, 1910
United States. National Conservation Congress
U.S. Copyright Renewals, 1969 July - December
Library of Congress. Copyright Office
The scrap book, Volume 2, No. 2
A list of books published by Chatto & Windus, March 1895
Chatto & Windus
New York at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis 1904
DeLancey M. Ellis
Proceedings [of the] fourth National Conservation Congress [at] Indianapolis, October 1-4, 1912
United States. National Conservation Congress
Notes and Queries, Number 24, April 13, 1850
U.S. Copyright Renewals, 1975 January - June
Library of Congress. Copyright Office
The Pennsylvania Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy (Vol. IV, No. II, April 1849)
Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons
Abstracts of Papers Read at the First International Eugenics Congress
International Eugenics Congress
The Delinquent (Vol. IV, No. 1), January, 1914
U.S. Copyright Renewals, 1972 January - June
Library of Congress. Copyright Office
Sanitary Statistics of Native Colonial Schools and Hospitals
Florence Nightingale
The Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy (New Series, No. 40, January 1901)
Pennsylvania Prison Society
The journal of prison discipline and philanthropy (Vol. XV, No. I, January 1860)
Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons
Men's Sewed Straw Hats
United States Tariff Commission
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 698
A Classified Catalogue of Works in General Literature Published by Longmans, Green, & Co.
and Co. Green Longmans
Ramsey & Carmick, contract.
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Index for 1884
A List of Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.'s Publications (1887)
Trench & Co. Kegan Paul
Papers and Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Library Association