Books in Browsing: Science - Earth/Agricultural/Farming (sorted alphabetically by author)
- Westafrikanische Kautschuk-Expedition (German) Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Kolonial-Wirtschaftliches Komitee and Rudolf Schlechter
- Birds of the Indian Hills Douglas Dewar
- Handboek voor Bijenhouders (Dutch) J. Dirks
- The Geology of Calvin Coolidge State Forest Harry W. Dodge
- The Geology of Button Bay State Park Harry W. Dodge
- The Geology of D.A.R. State Park, Mt. Philo State Forest Park, Sand Bar State Park Harry W. Dodge
- The Geology of Darling State Park Harry W. Dodge
- The Shetland Pony Charles Douglas and A. I. Douglas
- A start in life. A journey across America. Fruit farming in California C. F. Dowsett
- L'art du taupier; ou, méthode amusante et infaillible de prendre les taupes (French) M. Dralet
- The Flowers and Gardens of Madeira Florence Du Cane
- The agricultural and forest products of British West Africa Gerald C. Dudgeon
- A Living from the Land William Budington Duryee
- Glaciers and Glaciation in Glacier National Park James L. Dyson
- The Geologic Story of Glacier National Park James L. Dyson
- The Ancestry of Modern Amphibia: A Review of the Evidence Theodore H. Eaton
- A New Order of Fishlike Amphibia From the Pennsylvanian of Kansas Theodore H. Eaton and Peggy Lou Stewart
- The Bee-Master of Warrilow Tickner Edwardes
- Making a Garden of Perennials W. C. Egan
- Arbor Day Leaves Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston
- Farming with Dynamite: A Few Hints to Farmers E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company
- The Raisin Industry Gustavus A. Eisen
- Fig Culture Gustavus A. Eisen and F. S. Earle
- Hell on ice : The saga of the "Jeannette" Edward Ellsberg
- Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets John Evelyn