Books in Browsing: Science - General (sorted alphabetically by author)
Four Lectures on Mathematics, Delivered at Columbia University in 1911 Jacques Hadamard
The Last Link: Our Present Knowledge of the Descent of Man Ernst Haeckel
Report on the Radiolaria Collected by H.M.S. Challenger During the Years 1873-1876, Plates Ernst Haeckel
The Evolution of Man — Volume 2 Ernst Haeckel
The Evolution of Man — Volume 1 Ernst Haeckel
Report on the Radiolaria Collected by H.M.S. Challenger During the Years 1873-1876, Second Part: Subclass Osculosa; Index Ernst Haeckel
Natur und Mensch (German) Ernst Haeckel
The Wonders of Life: A Popular Study of Biological Philosophy Ernst Haeckel
Report on the Radiolaria Collected by H.M.S. Challenger During the Years 1873-1876, First Part: Porulosa (Spumellaria and Acantharia) Ernst Haeckel
The History of Creation, Vol. 1 (of 2) Ernst Haeckel
Monism as Connecting Religion and Science Ernst Haeckel
The Evolution of Man Ernst Haeckel
The History of Creation, Vol. 2 (of 2) Ernst Haeckel
Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung (German) Hermann Hager
Ueber die Arsenikvergiftung ihre Hülfe und gerichtliche Ausmittelung (German) Samuel Hahnemann
Computers—the machines we think with D. S. Halacy
Daedalus : or, Science and the future J. B. S. Haldane
Stories of Invention, Told by Inventors and their Friends Edward Everett Hale
Ilex cassine, the aboriginal North American tea Edwin M. Hale
The New Heavens George Ellery Hale
An account of a useful discovery to distill double the usual quantity of sea-water, by blowing showers of air up through the distilling liquor : and an account of the great benefit of ventilators in many instances, in preserving the health and lives of people, in slave and other transport ships ... also an account of the good effect of blowing showers of air up through milk, thereby to cure the ill taste which is occasioned by some kinds of food of cows. Stephen Hales
The Boy Craftsman A. Neely Hall
Elements of Military Art and Science H. W. Halleck
American Weasels E. Raymond Hall
A New Name for the Mexican Red Bat E. Raymond Hall