Books in Browsing: Science - General (sorted alphabetically by author)
Catalogue of Practical and Scientific Books Henry Carey Baird & Co.
Abrégé de la Théorie des Fonctions Elliptiques (French) Charles Henry
Experiments and Observations on the Following Subjects Thomas Henry
The Strangest Things in the World: A Book About Extraordinary Manifestations of Nature Thomas R. Henry
Zahlentheorie (German) Kurt Hensel
Ye Sundial Booke T. Geoffrey W. Henslow
Voyage à Montbard (French) Marie-Jean Hérault de Séchelles
A Child's Primer of Natural History Oliver Herford
Sur quelques applications des fonctions elliptiques (French) Charles Hermite
Catálogo Instructivo de las Colecciones Mineralógicas (Spanish) Enrique Martín Hermitte and Guillermo Bodenbender
Audubon the Naturalist: A History of His Life and Time. Vol. 1 (of 2) Francis Hobart Herrick
Audubon the Naturalist: A History of His Life and Time. Vol. 2 (of 2) Francis Hobart Herrick
Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy John F. W. Herschel
Memoir and Correspondence of Caroline Herschel Mrs. John Herschel
The Biological Problem of To-day: Preformation Or Epigenesis? Oscar Hertwig
Scurvy, Past and Present Alfred F. Hess
The Source and Mode of Solar Energy Throughout the Universe Isaac W. Heysinger
Minimum Gauge Railways bart. Sir Arthur Percival Heywood
L'Équation de Fredholm et ses applications a la physique mathématique (French) H. Bryon Heywood and Maurice Fréchet
The Book of the Aquarium and Water Cabinet Shirley Hibberd
A Letter on Suspended Animation Henry Hill Hickman
The fauna of the deep sea Sydney J. Hickson
The Cambridge natural history, Vol. 01 (of 10) Sydney J. Hickson, Marcus Hartog, Igerna Brünhilda Johnson Sollas, and E. W. MacBride
The Manufacture of Tomato Products W. G. Hier
Mathematical Problems : Lecture delivered before the International Congress of Mathematicians at Paris in 1900 David Hilbert