Books in Browsing: Science - General (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays John Joly
The Royal Institution: Its Founder and First Professors Bence Jones
Distribution of Some Nebraskan Mammals J. Knox Jones
Records of Harvest Mice, Reithrodontomys, from Central America, with Description of a New Subspecies from Nicaragua J. Knox Jones and Sydney Anderson
Noteworthy Records of Bats From Nicaragua, with a Checklist of the Chiropteran Fauna of the Country J. Knox Jones, James Dale Smith, and Ronald W. Turner
A Gamekeeper's Note-book Owen Jones and Marcus Woodward
Artificial fire-works : improved to the modern practice, from the minutest to the highest branches Robert Jones
Asbestos, Its production and use Robert H. Jones
A Guide to the Study of Fishes, Volume 2 (of 2) David Starr Jordan
A Guide to the Study of Fishes, Volume 1 (of 2) David Starr Jordan
New-England's rarities discovered : In birds, beasts, fishes, serpents, and plants of that country active 1630-1675 John Josselyn
Luonnon ihmeitä (Finnish) O. A. Joutsen
Volcanoes: What They are and What They Teach John W. Judd
Knots, Bends, Splices Captain Jutsum
Die Zelle (German) Fritz Kahn
Reis door Noord Amerika : Gedaan door den Heer Pieter Kalm (Dutch) Pehr Kalm
Travels into North America, Volume 1 (of 3) Pehr Kalm
Travels into North America, Volume 3 (of 3) Pehr Kalm
One Divided by Pi (To 1 Million Digits) Yasumasa Kanada
Über die Vulkane im Monde (German) Immanuel Kant
The anatomy of the domestic fowl B. F. Kaupp
The Petrol Engine Francis John Kean
Nature's carol singers Richard Kearton
Birds' Nests, Eggs and Egg-Collecting Richard Kearton
Photographs of Nebulæ and Clusters, Made with the Crossley Reflector James Edward Keeler