Books in Browsing: Science - General (sorted alphabetically by author)
An Introduction to the History of Science Walter Libby
Petroleum Albert Lidgett
Familiar Letters on Chemistry, and Its Relation to Commerce, Physiology, and Agriculture Freiherr von Justus Liebig
Familiar Letters on Chemistry, and Its Relation to Commerce, Physiology, and Agriculture Freiherr von Justus Liebig
Sciopticon: Einführung in die Projections-Kunst (German) Franz Paul Liesegang
Über Integralinvarianten und Differentialgleichungen (German) Sophus Lie
脾胃論 (Chinese) Gao Li
Der Vogelflug als Grundlage der Fliegekunst (German) Otto Lilienthal
Discoveries and Inventions: A lecture by Abraham Lincoln delivered in 1860 Abraham Lincoln
The Migration of North American Birds (1935) Frederick Charles Lincoln
Migration of Birds (1950) Frederick Charles Lincoln
Migration of Birds (1979) Frederick Charles Lincoln and Steven R. Peterson
"We" : The famous flier's own story of his life and his trans-Atlantic flight, together with his views on the future of aviation Charles A. Lindbergh
Le calcul des résidus et ses applications à la théorie des fonctions (French) Ernst Leonard Lindelöf
Stories of the Universe: Animal Life B. Lindsay
Researches on the Visual Organs of the Trilobites Gustaf Lindström
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Linnean Society of London
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 4 Linnean Society of London
Lachesis Lapponica; Or, A Tour in Lapland, Volume 1 Carl von Linné
Lachesis Lapponica; Or, A Tour in Lapland, Volume 2 Carl von Linné
Species Plantarum, Sections I-III (Latin) Carl von Linné
Species Plantarum, Sections VI-X (Latin) Carl von Linné
Species Plantarum, Sections XI-XIII (Latin) Carl von Linné
Striped Coat, the Skunk Joseph Wharton Lippincott
Red Ben, the Fox of Oak Ridge Joseph Wharton Lippincott