Books in Browsing: Science - General (sorted alphabetically by author)
European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae George Massee
Robert Boyle : A biography Flora Masson
Vegetable Teratology Maxwell T. Masters
The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones John Mastin
Gas-Engines and Producer-Gas Plants Rodolphe Edgard Mathot
Texas Fossils: An Amateur Collector's Handbook William Henry Matthews
Dinosaurs, with Special Reference to the American Museum Collections William Diller Matthew
Forest Trees of Texas: How to Know Them Wilbur R. Mattoon and C. B. Webster
The Boy's Book of New Inventions Harry E. Maule
The Science of the Stars E. Walter Maunder
Are the Planets Inhabited? E. Walter Maunder
Artificial and Natural Flight Hiram S. Maxim
Dynamite Stories, and Some Interesting Facts About Explosives Hudson Maxim
Trees: A Woodland Notebook Sir Herbert Maxwell
Five of Maxwell's Papers James Clerk Maxwell
On a Dynamical Top, for exhibiting the phenomena of the motion of a system of invariable form about a fixed point, with some suggestions as to the Earth's motion James Clerk Maxwell
An elementary treatise on electricity James Clerk Maxwell
The Illustrated Horse Doctor Edward Mayhew
Manual of Taxidermy C. J. Maynard
Remarks on the Present System of Road Making John Loudon McAdam
Wind and Weather Alexander McAdie
A Viking of the Sky: A Story of a Boy Who Gained Success in Aeronautics Hugh McAlister
The Roswell Report: Case Closed James McAndrew
Utility of Quaternions in Physics Alex. McAulay
A bacteriological study of ham souring Charles Neil McBryde