Books in Browsing: Science - General (sorted alphabetically by author)
Wasps, Social and Solitary George W. Peckham and E. G. Peckham
The zoological gardens of Europe, their history and chief features C. V. A. Peel
A View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy Henry Pemberton
A Treatise on Electricity Francis Penrose
The Boy's Playbook of Science John Henry Pepper
Les abeilles (French) Jean M. Pérez
La philosophie zoologique avant Darwin (French) Edmond Perrier
Spinning Tops John Perry
Animal Locomotion; or, walking, swimming, and flying James Bell Pettigrew
Clever Hans (The Horse of Mr. Von Osten) Oskar Pfungst
Radioisotopes in Medicine Earl W. Phelan
Systematics of Megachiropteran Bats in the Solomon Islands Carleton J. Phillips
Pneumatic conveying Ernest George Phillips
Bees Everett Franklin Phillips
Radiation Percy Phillips
Comparison of Methods of Sewage Purification Theodore Clifford Phillips and Edward John Schneider
The Reason Why Robert Kemp Philp
The Seven Follies of Science [2nd ed.] John Phin
L'œuvre de Henri Poincaré (French) Emile Picard
A Plan for Securing Observations of the Variable Stars Edward C. Pickering
The Future of Astronomy Edward C. Pickering
Great Inventions and Discoveries Willis Duff Piercy
The Letter of Petrus Peregrinus on the Magnet, A.D. 1269 active 13th century de Maricourt Pierre
The Art of Perfumery, and Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants G. W. Septimus Piesse
Physical Amusements and Diverting Experiments Giuseppe Pinetti