Books in Browsing: Science - General (sorted alphabetically by author)
O odkryciach i wynalazkach (Polish) Bolesław Prus
Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos : or Quadripartite, being four books of the influence of the stars ... with a preface, explanatory notes, and an appendix containing extracts from the Almagest of Ptolemy and the whole of his Centiloquy, together with a short notice of Mr. Ranger's zodiacal planisphere and an explanatory plate Ptolemy
La terre et la lune: forme extérieure et structure interne (French) P. Puiseux
Zakflora voor Suriname [Deel I] (Dutch) A. A. Pulle
Mimicry in Butterflies Reginald Crundall Punnett
Mendelism Reginald Crundall Punnett
From Immigrant to Inventor Michael Pupin
Nautical Charts G. R. Putnam
Birds in Flight W. P. Pycraft
The Courtship of Animals W. P. Pycraft
The human species A. de Quatrefages
The Natural History of Chocolate D. Quélus
Chlorination of Water Joseph Race
1001 задача для умственного счета (Russian) Sergei Aleksandrovich Rachinskii
Ephemerides Barometricae Mutinenses (anni M.DC.XCIV) (Latin) Bernardino Ramazzini, Giovan Battista Boccabadati, and Francesco Torti
Recuerdos de mi vida (tomo 2 de 2) (Spanish) Santiago Ramón y Cajal
Recuerdos de mi vida (tomo 1 de 2) (Spanish) Santiago Ramón y Cajal
Reglas y consejos sobre investigación científica (Spanish) Santiago Ramón y Cajal
Emanuel Swedenborg's Investigations in Natural Science and the Basis for His Statements Concerning the Functions of the Brain Martin Ramström
The Way To Geometry Petrus Ramus
La flore utile du bassin de la Gambie (French) A. Rançon
Stray Feathers From a Bird Man's Desk Austin Loomer Rand
Life Among the Butterflies Vance Randolph
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses K. Rangachari and C. Tadulinga Mudaliyar
Pond and Stream Arthur Ransome