Books in Browsing: Science - General (sorted alphabetically by author)
Étude des Élassoïdes, ou, Surfaces A Courbure Moyenne Nulle (French) Albert Ribaucour
Keys to Fungi on Dung M. J. Richardson and Roy Watling
The Preparation of Illustrations for Reports of the United States Geological Survey John L. Ridgway
Color Standards and Color Nomenclature Robert Ridgway
The Men on Deck: Master, Mates and Crew, Their Duties and Responsibilities Felix Riesenberg
Directions for Collecting and Preserving Insects Charles V. Riley
Handbook of Medical Entomology William A. Riley and O. A. Johannsen
The Wine Press and the Cellar: A Manual for the Wine-Maker and the Cellar-Man Emmet H. Rixford
The Haunters of the Silences: A Book of Animal Life Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
The Secret Trails Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
The Ledge on Bald Face Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
The Watchers of the Trails: A Book of Animal Life Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Kings in Exile Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Red Fox Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Neighbors Unknown Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
The Kindred of the Wild: A Book of Animal Life Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Eläinvaltiaita (Finnish) Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Some Animal Stories Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Colorado Wild Flowers Harold DeWitt Roberts and Rhoda N. Roberts
The Still-Room Harry Roberts and Mrs. Charles Roundell
Geology of Devils Tower National Monument, Wyoming Charles Sherwood Robinson
The Life Story of a Black Bear Harry Perry Robinson
Inventors & Inventions Henry Robinson
Birds of the wave and woodland Phil Robinson
In New England Fields and Woods Rowland Evans Robinson