Books in Browsing: Science-Fiction & Fantasy (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Mirror of Kong Ho Ernest Bramah
The Wallet of Kai Lung Ernest Bramah
Spacemen are born Bolling Branham
Nebel der Andromeda (German) Fritz Brehmer
Sugar Plum Reginald Bretnor
The Einstein See-Saw Miles J. Breuer
The Oversight Miles J. Breuer
Murderer's Base William J. Brittain
The Burnt Planet William J. Brittain
All That Goes Up Kirby Brooks
The World of H.G. Wells Van Wyck Brooks
The Cosmic Derelict John Broome
Tales for Christmas Eve Rhoda Broughton
Kisington Town Abbie Farwell Brown
First Man Clyde Brown
Call Him Savage Howard Browne
Hard Guy Howard Browne
Twelve Times Zero Howard Browne
Mars Confidential Howard Browne
Bride of the Dark One Florence Verbell Brown
Earthmen Bearing Gifts Fredric Brown
And the Gods Laughed Fredric Brown
Keep Out Fredric Brown
Hall of Mirrors Fredric Brown
The Star Mouse Fredric Brown