Books in Browsing: Science-Fiction & Fantasy (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Last Two Alive! Alfred Coppel
Warrior-Maid of Mars Alfred Coppel
Captain Midas Alfred Coppel
Touch the sky Alfred Coppel
The First Man on the Moon Alfred Coppel
Jinx Ship to the Rescue Alfred Coppel
Runaway Alfred Coppel
Wreck Off Triton Alfred Coppel
The Starbusters Alfred Coppel
Preview of Peril Alfred Coppel
The Invader Alfred Coppel
Double Standard Alfred Coppel
The Hills of Home Alfred Coppel
Task to Luna Alfred Coppel
Community Property Alfred Coppel
The Flight of the Eagle Alfred Coppel
Flight From Time Alfred Coppel
The Rebel of Valkyr Alfred Coppel
Tydore's Gift Alfred Coppel
New Amazonia: A Foretaste of the Future Mrs. George Corbett
Meteor-Men of Mars Harry Cord and Otis Adelbert Kline
The Devil's Motor: A Fantasy Marie Corelli
Ardath: The Story of a Dead Self Marie Corelli
The Young Diana: An Experiment of the Future Marie Corelli
The Secret Power Marie Corelli