Books in Browsing: Sociology (sorted by popularity)
The Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy (New Series, No. 50) November 1911 Pennsylvania Prison Society 89 downloads
Freiland: Ein sociales Zukunftsbild (German) Theodor Hertzka 89 downloads
Essays in medical sociology, Volume 2 (of 2) Elizabeth Blackwell 89 downloads
The Fight Against Lynching National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 89 downloads
After Prison--What? Maud Ballington Booth 89 downloads
The Economics of the Russian Village Isaac A. Hourwich 89 downloads
Hold Up Your Heads, Girls! Helps for Girls, in School and Out Annie H. Ryder 89 downloads
The Labor Divide Samuel Vaknin 89 downloads
Jenseits der Schriftkultur — Band 4 (German) Mihai Nadin 89 downloads
The Delinquent (Vol. IV, No. 3, March 1914) Various 88 downloads
The Review, Vol. 1, No. 2, February 1911 Various 88 downloads
Child Versus Parent: Some Chapters on the Irrepressible Conflict in the Home Stephen S. Wise 88 downloads
Prevalence of Imprisonment in the U.S. Population, 1974-2001 Thomas P. Bonczar 88 downloads
O Primeiro de Maio (Portuguese) S. de Magalhães Lima 88 downloads
Dutch Methods of Birth Control Margaret Sanger 88 downloads
Traité des eunuques (French) Charles Ancillon 88 downloads
Girls: Faults and Ideals J. R. Miller 88 downloads
Ragged homes and how to mend them Mrs. Bayly 88 downloads
Zur Männerfrage! (German) Clara Schachne 88 downloads
An apology for abolitionists Conn. Anti-slavery Society of Meriden, Philo Pratt, Walter Webb, and Isaac I. Tibbals 87 downloads
A Letter to John Wilkes, Esq; Sheriff of London and Middlesex active 1771-1808 Robert Holloway 87 downloads
Le vote des femmes (French) Hubertine Auclert 87 downloads
Het Anarchisme in de Arbeidersbeweging (Dutch) Jos. Loopuit 87 downloads
Rebel women Evelyn Sharp 87 downloads
Welcome to the ransomed; or, Duties of the colored inhabitants of the District of Columbia Daniel Alexander Payne 87 downloads