Books in Browsing: Teaching & Education (sorted alphabetically)
Letters on the Improvement of the Mind, Addressed to a Lady Mrs. Chapone
Letters to His Son, 1756-58 Earl of Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield
Letters to His Son, 1759-65 Earl of Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield
Letter to the Viscount Palmerston, M.P. &c. &c. &c. on the Monitorial System of Harrow School C. J. Vaughan
librarian at play Edmund Lester Pearson
Librarian's Open Shelf: Essays on Various Subjects Arthur E. Bostwick
Library and Society: Reprints of Papers and Addresses
Library Assistant's Manual Theodore Wesley Koch
Library Bookbinding Arthur Low Bailey
Library Cataloguing John Henry Quinn
Library Essays; Papers Related to the Work of Public Libraries Arthur E. Bostwick
Library Ideals Henry Eduard Legler
Library of Work and Play: Gardening and Farming. Ellen Eddy Shaw
Library of Work and Play: Housekeeping Elizabeth Hale Gilman
Library Primer John Cotton Dana
Library Work with Children Alice Isabel Hazeltine
libro para las damas: Estudios acerca de la educación de la mujer (Spanish) María del Pilar Sinués de Marco
Libro segundo de lectura (Spanish) Ellen M. Cyr
Life and Times of John Wilkins P. A. Wright Henderson
Life in the Medieval University Robert S. Rait
light: An educational pageant Catherine T. Bryce
Lighter Side of School Life Ian Hay
LILRC Interlibrary Loan Manual: January, 1976 Long Island Library Resources Council
Lippincott's Horn-Ashbaugh Speller For Grades One to Eight Ernest Horn and Ernest J. Ashbaugh
List of Books in Belles Lettres Published by John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1895 Bodley Head