Books in Browsing: Travel & Geography (sorted alphabetically)
- Curly: A Tale of the Arizona Desert Roger Pocock
- Cursed George Allan England
- Cycle Rides Round London Charles G. Harper
- Cyprus, as I Saw It in 1879 Sir Samuel White Baker
- Cyprus: Historical and Descriptive Franz von Löher
- Czech Folk Tales
- Dagboek eener reize ter walvisch- en robbenvangst, in de jaren 1777 en 1778 door Hidde Dirks Kat (Dutch) Hidde Dirks Kat
- Dagboek van mijne reis door het binnenland van Honduras naar Guatemala (Dutch) J. van Drielst
- Dagonet Abroad George R. Sims
- Daisy Miller: A Study Henry James
- Dalmatinische Reise (German) Hermann Bahr
- Danger at Mormon Crossing Robert Leckie
- Dangers of the Trail in 1865: A Narrative of Actual Events Charles E. Young
- Dangers on the Ice Off the Coast of Labrador Anonymous
- Danger Trail James Oliver Curwood
- Dans la Haute-Gambie : Voyage d'exploration scientifique, 1891-1892 (French) A. Rançon
- Dans l'extrême Far West: Aventures d'un émigrant dans la Colombie anglaise (French) R. Byron Johnson
- Dans l'ombre chaude de l'Islam (French) Isabelle Eberhardt and Victor Barrucand
- Danube Walter Jerrold
- Danube from the Black Forest to the Black Sea Francis Davis Millet
- Daphne: An Autumn Pastoral Margaret Pollock Sherwood
- Dardistan in 1866, 1886 and 1893 G. W. Leitner
- Daring Deeds of Famous Pirates E. Keble Chatterton
- Dartmoor Arthur L. Salmon
- Dash for Khartoum: A Tale of the Nile Expedition G. A. Henty