Books in Browsing: Travel & Geography (sorted alphabetically)
- By Canoe and Dog Train Among The Cree and Salteaux Indians Egerton Ryerson Young
- By Desert Ways to Baghdad Louisa Jebb Wilkins
- Byeways in Palestine James Finn
- By Forest Ways in New Zealand F. A. Roberts
- By-gone Tourist Days: Letters of Travel Laura G. Case Collins
- By motor to the Golden Gate Emily Post
- By Right of Purchase Harold Bindloss
- Byron's Narrative of the Loss of the Wager John Byron
- By the Golden Gate; Or, San Francisco, the Queen City of the Pacific Coast Joseph Carey
- By the Ionian Sea: Notes of a Ramble in Southern Italy George Gissing
- By the Way: Travel Letters Written During Several Journeys Abroad Agness Greene Foster
- By Water to the Columbian Exposition Johanna Sara Wisthaler
- Byways Around San Francisco Bay William E. Hutchinson
- By-Ways of Bombay S. M. Edwardes
- Byzantine Constantinople, the walls of the city and adjoining historical sites Alexander Van Millingen
- Cable Game Stanley Washburn
- Cabots and the Discovery of America active 1895-1897 Elizabeth Hodges
- Cactus Forest Drive, Saguaro National Monument Anonymous
- Caen et Bayeux (French) Henri Prentout
- Cairo to Kisumu : Egypt—The Sudan—Kenya Colony Frank G. Carpenter
- California and the Californians David Starr Jordan
- California as it is, and as it may be : or, A guide to the gold region Felix Paul Wierzbicki
- California Birthday Book
- Californiacs Inez Haynes Gillmore
- California illustrated : including a description of the Panama and Nicaragua routes J. M. Letts