Books in Science Fiction (sorted alphabetically by author)
Novice James H. Schmitz
Oneness James H. Schmitz
The Other Likeness James H. Schmitz
Ham Sandwich James H. Schmitz
Quiet, Please Kevin Scott
Edison's Conquest of Mars Garrett Putman Serviss
The Second Deluge Garrett Putman Serviss
Other Worlds Garrett Putman Serviss
The Moon Metal Garrett Putman Serviss
Edison's Conquest of Mars Garrett Putman Serviss
Curiosities of the Sky Garrett Putman Serviss
A Columbus of Space Garrett Putman Serviss
Survival Tactics Al Sevcik
Alien Offer Al Sevcik
A Matter of Magnitude Al Sevcik
The Book Michael Shaara
Orphans of the Void Michael Shaara
Citizen Jell Michael Shaara
Man of Distinction Michael Shaara
Soldier Boy Michael Shaara
Wainer Michael Shaara
Education of a Martian Joseph Shallit
Old Friends Are the Best Jack Sharkey
A Matter of Protocol Jack Sharkey
Big Baby Jack Sharkey