Books about World War, 1914-1918 -- Personal narratives (sorted alphabetically)
Fighting France, from Dunkerque to Belfort Edith Wharton
Finding Themselves Julia C. Stimson
Five Months on a German Raider Frederic George Trayes
Flaming Sword in Serbia and Elsewhere M. A. Stobart
Fledgling Charles Nordhoff
Fortnight at the Front Henry Russell Wakefield
From Bapaume to Passchendaele, 1917 Philip Gibbs
From the Trenches: Louvain to the Aisne, the First Record of an Eye-Witness Geoffrey Winthrop Young
Glory of the Coming Irvin S. Cobb
Golden Lads Arthur Gleason and Helen Hayes Gleason
heures longues, 1914-1917 (French) Colette
Hilltop on the Marne Mildred Aldrich
Huts in Hell Daniel A. Poling
In the Claws of the German Eagle Albert Rhys Williams
In the Line of Battle: Soldiers' Stories of the War
In the Prison City, Brussels, 1914-1918: A Personal Narrative J. H. Twells
Irish Nuns at Ypres: An Episode of the War Dame M. Columban
Italy at War and the Allies in the West E. Alexander Powell
Journal of Impressions in Belgium May Sinclair
Journal of Submarine Commander von Forstner Freiherr von Georg-Günther Forstner
Kelly of the Foreign Legion: Letters of Légionnaire Russell A. Kelly Russell Anthony Kelly
Kings, Queens and Pawns: An American Woman at the Front Mary Roberts Rinehart
Kitchener's Mob: Adventures of an American in the British Army James Norman Hall
Land of Deepening Shadow: Germany-at-War D. Thomas Curtin
Last Days of Fort Vaux, March 9-June 7, 1916 Henry Bordeaux