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Del governo della peste e della maniera di guardarsene (Italian)
Lodovico Antonio Muratori
Doctor Mead's Short discourse explain'd : Being a clearer account of pestilential contagion, and preventing.
A Treatise on the Plague and Yellow Fever
James Tytler
A Discourse on the Plague
Richard Mead
A Short Discourse Concerning Pestilential Contagion, and the Methods to Be Used to Prevent It
Richard Mead
The Charitable Pestmaster; Or, The Cure of the Plague
Practitioner in physick Thomas Sherwood
La peste di Milano del 1630 (Italian)
Giuseppe Ripamonti
Medicina Flagellata; Or, The Doctor Scarify'd
A Plain and Easie Method for Preserving (by God's Blessing) Those That Are Well from the Infection of the Plague, or Any Contagious Distemper, in City, Camp, Fleet, Etc., and for Curing Such as Are Infected with It.
Thomas Willis
Displaying results 1–9