Books about Ship captains -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
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Moby Dick; Or, The Whale Herman Melville 82825 downloads
Persuasion Jane Austen 8563 downloads
Moby Dick; Or, The Whale Herman Melville 2354 downloads
Moby-Dick; or, The Whale Herman Melville 1785 downloads
The Secret Sharer Joseph Conrad 1770 downloads
The Sea-Wolf Jack London 1428 downloads
In Search of the Castaways; Or, The Children of Captain Grant Jules Verne 806 downloads
Persuasion Jane Austen 762 downloads
Typhoon Joseph Conrad 711 downloads
'Twixt Land & Sea: Tales Joseph Conrad 587 downloads
Extract from Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven Mark Twain 501 downloads
Cursed George Allan England 482 downloads
Moby Dick Herman Melville 474 downloads
The Shadow Line: A Confession Joseph Conrad 460 downloads
Las inquietudes de Shanti Andia (Spanish) Pío Baroja 457 downloads
The End of the Tether Joseph Conrad 405 downloads
Dialstone Lane, Complete W. W. Jacobs 391 downloads
Moby Dick; Or, The Whale Herman Melville 369 downloads
Ο Σάνσελλορ (Modern Greek (1453-)) Jules Verne 362 downloads
A Son of the Sun Jack London 337 downloads
Blow The Man Down: A Romance Of The Coast Holman Day 328 downloads
The Skipper and the Skipped: Being the Shore Log of Cap'n Aaron Sproul Holman Day 305 downloads
The Evil Genius: A Domestic Story Wilkie Collins 296 downloads
In Search of the Castaways Jules Verne 291 downloads
Salthaven W. W. Jacobs 290 downloads
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