Books about Classical literature (sorted alphabetically)
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Agesilaus Xenophon
Alcibiades I Plato
Alcibiades II Plato
Anabasis Xenophon
Apology Plato
Apology Xenophon
Argonautica Rhodius Apollonius
Athenian Constitution Aristotle
Cavalry General Xenophon
Charmides Plato
Clouds Aristophanes
Complete Works of Plutarch — Volume 3: Essays and Miscellanies Plutarch
Cratylus Plato
Critias Plato
Crito Plato
Crito (Latin) Plato
Crito: Een dialoog van Plato (Dutch) Plato
Economist Xenophon
Eryxias Plato
Euthydemus Plato
Euthyphro Plato
Euthyphro Plato
Golden Asse Apuleius
Gorgias (Finnish) Plato
Gorgias Plato
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