Books about Animals -- Anecdotes (sorted alphabetically)
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Anecdotes of Animals Unknown
Anecdotes of Big Cats and Other Beasts David Alec Wilson
Animal Heroes Ernest Thompson Seton
Animal Story Book
Bingo und andere Tiergeschichten (German) Ernest Thompson Seton
Creatures of the Night: A Book of Wild Life in Western Britain Alfred Wellesley Rees
Dierenleven in de wildernis : Schetsen uit het leven der dieren hun natuurlijke aanleg en wat zij leeren moeten (Dutch) William J. Long
Eccentricities of the Animal Creation. John Timbs
Eläinten sankareita (Finnish) Ernest Thompson Seton
Eläinvaltiaita (Finnish) Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Famous pets of famous people Eleanor Lewis
Forest Neighbors: Life Stories of Wild Animals William Davenport Hulbert
Haunters of the Silences: A Book of Animal Life Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Heads and tales : or, Anecdotes and stories of quadrupeds and other beasts, chiefly connected with incidents in the histories of more or less distinguished men.
Hoof and Claw Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Horse Stories, and Stories of Other Animals Thomas Wallace Knox
House in the Water: A Book of Animal Stories Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Hundred Anecdotes of Animals Percy J. Billinghurst
Illustrative Anecdotes of the Animal Kingdom Samuel G. Goodrich
Kijkjes in het dierenleven : Schetsen uit het leven der dieren in de wildernis, hun natuurlijke aanleg en wat zij leeren moeten (Dutch) William J. Long
Kindred of the Wild: A Book of Animal Life Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Kings in Exile Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Ledge on Bald Face Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Lobo, Rag and Vixen Ernest Thompson Seton
Metsän koululaiset (Finnish) William J. Long
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