Books about Travel -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Displaying results 1–19
Cesar Cascabel, Deel 2 (Dutch) Jules Verne
Cesar Cascabel: "De Schoone Zwerfster" (Dutch) Jules Verne
Dead Man's Land George Manville Fenn
Dusantes Frank R. Stockton
Five Weeks in a Balloon Jules Verne
Forty Minutes Late Francis Hopkinson Smith
Herrn Mahlhubers Reiseabenteuer (German) Friedrich Gerstäcker
Miss Cayley's Adventures Grant Allen
Ne'er-Do-Well Rex Beach
Parthenon By Way Of Papendrecht Francis Hopkinson Smith
Red House on Rowan Street Lily A. Long
Returning Home Anthony Trollope
Ride Across Palestine Anthony Trollope
Schelmuffskys wahrhaftige, kuriöse und sehr gefährliche Reisebeschreibung zu Wasser und zu Lande (German) Christian Reuter
Seikkailumatka (Finnish) Friedrich Gerstäcker
Some Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion Mark Twain
Twentieth Century Idealist Henry Pettit
Unprotected Female at the Pyramids Anthony Trollope
Woman's Will Anne Warner
Displaying results 1–19