Books about Erotic stories (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–20
The Romance of Lust: A classic Victorian erotic novel Anonymous 12561 downloads
Josefine Mutzenbacher (German) Felix Salten 9545 downloads
Memoirs of Fanny Hill John Cleland 5932 downloads
Lady Chatterley's lover D. H. Lawrence 2846 downloads
Laura Middleton; Her Brother and her Lover Anonymous 1909 downloads
Venus in Furs Ritter von Leopold Sacher-Masoch 1779 downloads
Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure John Cleland 1419 downloads
The Power of Mesmerism Anonymous 1337 downloads
The Convent School; Or, Early Experiences of a Young Flagellant Rosa Belinda Coote 1071 downloads
Là-bas J.-K. Huysmans 716 downloads
Anthologica Rarissima: The Way of a Virgin 642 downloads
Les Bijoux Indiscrets, or, The Indiscreet Toys Denis Diderot 561 downloads
Venus im Pelz (German) Ritter von Leopold Sacher-Masoch 508 downloads
Le Journal d'une Femme de Chambre (French) Octave Mirbeau 335 downloads
Les bijoux indiscrets (French) Denis Diderot 302 downloads
Histoire de Mlle Brion dite Comtesse de Launay (1754) (French) Anonymous 264 downloads
Thémidore; ou, mon histoire et celle de ma maîtresse (French) Claude Godard d'Aucour 238 downloads
Le portier des Chartreux, ou mémoires de Saturnin écrits par lui-même (French) Jean-Charles Gervaise de Latouche 228 downloads
L'oeuvre de John Cleland: Mémoires de Fanny Hill, femme de plaisir (French) John Cleland 200 downloads
Le Canapé couleur de feu (French) Louis Charles Fougeret de Monbron 176 downloads
Displaying results 1–20