Books about Science fiction (sorted alphabetically)
láthatatlan ember: Fantasztikus regény (Hungarian) H. G. Wells
laughter of Toffee Henry Farrell
Lazarus Come Forth Ray Bradbury
Leader Murray Leinster
leaf Robert F. Young
Learning Theory James V. McConnell
Lease to Doomsday Lee Archer
Leave, Earthmen—Or Die! John Massie Davis
Leech Robert Sheckley
Left hand, right hand James H. Schmitz
legacy Dick Hank
Legacy James H. Schmitz
Legion of Lazarus Edmond Hamilton
Lesson for Today Joel Nydahl
Less than Human Zoë Blade
Let 'Em Breathe Space! Lester Del Rey
Let's Get Together Isaac Asimov
Let Space Be Your Coffin S. M. Tenneshaw
Letter of the Law Alan Edward Nourse
Let the Ants Try Frederik Pohl
Let There Be Light H. B. Fyfe
Lex W. T. Haggert
License to Steal Louis Newman
Lie on the Beam John Victor Peterson
life-masters Edmond Hamilton