Books about Science fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Life Sentence James V. McConnell
life watch Lester Del Rey
Lighter Than You Think Nelson S. Bond
Light Machine Ray Cummings
Lightning's Course John Victor Peterson
Lights on Precipice Peak Stephen Tall
Likely Story Damon Knight
Link Alan Edward Nourse
Lion Loose James H. Schmitz
Little Boy Jerome Bixby
Little Fuzzy H. Beam Piper
Little Journey Ray Bradbury
Little Knowledge R. R. Winterbotham
Little Man Who Wasn't Quite William W. Stuart
Little men of space Frank Belknap Long
Little Monsters Come Ray Cummings
Little Pets of Arkkhan Bill Garson
Little Red Bag Jerry Sohl
Locus Solus (French) Raymond Roussel
Lola Owen Davis
Lonely Judith Merril
Lonely Ones Edward W. Ludwig
Lonesome Hearts R. R. Winterbotham
Lone Star Planet John J. McGuire and H. Beam Piper
Longevity Therese Windser