Books about Thesis (Ph. D.) (sorted by popularity)
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Untersuchungen über Goethes Faust in seiner ältesten Gestalt (German) J. Collin 1605 downloads
Platonism in English poetry of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries John Smith Harrison 396 downloads
English Translations from the Greek: A Bibliographical Survey Finley Melville Kendall Foster 337 downloads
The Southern war poetry of the Civil War Esther Parker Ellinger 292 downloads
Satire in the Victorian novel Frances Theresa Russell 271 downloads
The Nurse in Greek Life Sister Mary Rosaria 267 downloads
Early Quaker education in Pennsylvania Thomas Woody 251 downloads
New England and the Bavarian Illuminati Vernon Stauffer 247 downloads
Nicolaus of Damascus' life of Augustus : Translated with a commentary of Damascus Nicolaus 228 downloads
An encyclopedist of the dark ages: Isidore of Seville Ernest Brehaut 203 downloads
An examination of some methods employed in determining the atomic weight of Cadmium John Emery Bucher 198 downloads
The Theory of Environment Armin Hajman Koller 187 downloads
The high school failures : a study of the school records of pupils failing in academic or commercial high school subjects F. P. O'Brien 182 downloads
Reconstruction in Louisiana after 1868 Ella Lonn 181 downloads
Stellar atmospheres : A contribution to the observational study of high temperature in the reversing layers of stars Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin 178 downloads
The first French Republic : A study of the origin and the contents of the declaration of the rights of man, of the constitution, and of the adoption of the republican form of government in 1792 Horace Mann Conaway 177 downloads
The reaction between manganese dioxide and potassium permanganate Arthur John Hopkins 174 downloads
Herder's conception of "das Volk" Georgiana Rose Simpson 173 downloads
On the Existence of Active Oxygen Edward Harrison Keiser 171 downloads
A study of some factors influencing fertility and sterility in the bull Herbert Lester Gilman 168 downloads
Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Frage »Ist die Furcht vor Krankheitsübertragung durch das Telephon berechtigt«? (German) Carl Weiss 168 downloads
The Nootka Sound Controversy: A dissertation William R. Manning 165 downloads
Französisch-slavische Kämpfe in der Bocca di Cattaro 1806-1814. (German) Nikolaj Velimirović 164 downloads
La Femme doit-elle voter? (Le pour et le contre) (French) Joseph Ginestou 163 downloads
A Probable Italian Source of Shakespeare's "Julius Cæsar" Alexander Boecker 156 downloads
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