Books about Household employees (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–11
The complete servant servant Samuel Adams and Sarah Adams 400 downloads
Between the Larch-woods and the Weir Flora Klickmann 190 downloads
Domestic service Lucy Maynard Salmon 178 downloads
The Expert Maid-Servant Christine Terhune Herrick 170 downloads
The Flower-Patch Among the Hills Flora Klickmann 165 downloads
The Greatest Plague of Life: or, the Adventures of a Lady in Search of a Good Servant. Henry Mayhew and Augustus Mayhew 155 downloads
Suburban Residences, and How to Circumvent Them J. E. Panton 149 downloads
Letters to Persons Who Are Engaged in Domestic Service Catharine Esther Beecher 144 downloads
Letters to a Young Housekeeper Jane Prince 142 downloads
Wanted, a Young Woman to Do Housework: Business principles applied to housework C. Hélène Barker 134 downloads
Common Sense for Housemaids Ann Fraser Tytler 117 downloads
Displaying results 1–11