Books about Indians -- Origin (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–11
The American Nations, Vol. I. C. S. Rafinesque 400 downloads
I. Origen de los indios de América. II. Origen y civilizaciones de los indígenas del Perú. (Spanish) Carlos Prince 369 downloads
Lives of Famous Indian Chiefs Norman B. Wood 325 downloads
Early Man in the New World Kenneth Macgowan and Joseph A. Hester 288 downloads
Adair's History of the American Indians James Adair 281 downloads
The North Americans of Antiquity John T. Short 239 downloads
Vestiges of the Mayas Augustus Le Plongeon 208 downloads
Incentives to the Study of the Ancient Period of American History Henry Rowe Schoolcraft 193 downloads
The History of Ancient America, Anterior to the Time of Columbus George Jones 185 downloads
Prehistoric Structures of Central America: Who Erected Them? Martin I. Townsend 141 downloads
Mémoire sur l'origine Japonaise, Arabe et Basque de la civilisation des peuples du plateau de Bogota (French) chevalier de Charles Hippolyte Paravey 125 downloads
Displaying results 1–11