Summary |
"Tarrano the Conqueror" by Ray Cummings is a science fiction novel written in the early 20th century. It is set in the year 2430 A.D., presenting a futuristic world where interplanetary tensions and conflicts arise following a series of high-profile murders of global leaders. The narrative revolves around the aftermath of these assassinations and introduces key characters such as Jac Hallen, who is a news-gatherer caught in the turmoil, and Elza, the daughter of a prominent scientist, who becomes entangled in the power dynamics orchestrated by the enigmatic and ambitious character Tarrano. At the start of the story, Jac Hallen witnesses the shocking assassination of the President of the Anglo-Saxon Republic, which ignites panic and chaos among the crowd. As Jac returns to his news organization, more murders occur across the globe, hinting at a conspiracy involving a mysterious figure named Tarrano. Meanwhile, Jac’s journey leads him to an important and urgent meeting with his friend Dr. Brende, which underscores the novel's themes of danger and intrigue. The opening chapters introduce a gripping political landscape filled with espionage and the threat of impending war, setting the stage for a love story intertwined with adventure as well as the pursuit of scientific secrets that could change the fate of humanity. (This is an automatically generated summary.)