Aaltio, Eetu, 1873-1926

Aandahl, Vance, 1942-

Aatto S.

See: Suppanen, Aatto, 1855-1898

Abbey, Henry, 1842-1911

Abbot, Anne W. (Anne Wales), 1808-1908

Abbott, A. A.

See: Spewack, Samuel, 1899-1971

Abbott, Belle K. (Belle Kendrick), 1842-1893

Abbott, Charles C. (Charles Conrad), 1843-1919

Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell, 1872-1958

Abbott, Elenore Plaisted, 1876-1935

Abbott, Jane, 1881-1968

Abbott, Keene, 1876-1941

Abbott, Lyman, 1835-1922

Abdullah, Achmed, 1881-1945

Abel, Franklin

Abernathy, Robert, 1924-1990

Abernethy, J. W. (Julian Willis), 1853-1923

Abrams, Alex. St. Clair (Alexander St. Clair), 1845-1931

Abrojal, Tulis

A Californian

Ackerman, Forrest J., 1916-2008

Ackermann, Henry Andrew

Aconite, Tobias

Adam, G. Mercer (Graeme Mercer), 1830-1912

Adams, Andy, 1859-1935

Adams, Charles

See: Stephens, C. A. (Charles Asbury), 1844-1931

Adams, F. Colburn (Francis Colburn), 1850-1891

Adams, Francis A. (Francis Alexandre), 1874-1975

Adams, Franklin P. (Franklin Pierce), 1881-1960

Adams, Frederick Upham, 1859-1921

Adams, Grace

Adams, H. A., Mrs.

  • Dawn (English) (as Author)

Adams, Hannah, 1755-1831

Adams, Harrison

See: Rathborne, St. George, 1854-1938

Adams, Henry, 1838-1918

Adams, I. William

Adams, James R.

Adams, J. F. C. (James Fenimore Cooper)

See: Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916

Adams, John S. (John Stowell), 1823-1893

Adams, John Turvill, 1805-1882

Adams, John Wolcott, 1874-1925

Adams, J. S., Mrs., 1845-1885

Adamski, George, 1891-1965

Adams, Nehemiah, 1806-1878

Adams, O. S.

Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 1871-1958

Adams, St. Clair, 1883-1967

Adams, William T. (William Taylor)

See: Optic, Oliver, 1822-1897

Addams, Jane, 1860-1935

Addison, Alvin

Addison, Daniel Dulany, 1863-1936

Ade, George, 1866-1944

Adeler, Max

See: Clark, Charles Heber, 1841-1915

Adkins, Dan, 1937-2013

Adolph, Anna, 1841-1917

Adragna, Robert, 1943-

Afton, Effie, 1829-1887

Agraives, Jean d'

See: Causse, Frédéric, 1892-1951

Ahava, Juho

See: Soini, Lauri, 1875-1919

Ahearne, Bert

See: Hernhuter, Albert, 1934-

Ahlqvist, David Gabriel

See: Murros, Kaapo, 1875-1951

Aiken, Albert W., 1846-1894

Aiken, Conrad, 1889-1973

Aiken, Ednah, 1872-1960

Aiken, George L., 1830-1876


Aitken, Robert, 1872-1929

Åkerman, Aarni

See: Voipio, Aarni, 1891-1965

Akers, Floyd

See: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919

Alcocke, Amos Bronson

See: Alcott, Amos Bronson, 1799-1888

Alcott, Amos Bronson, 1799-1888

Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888

Alcox, Amos Bronson

See: Alcott, Amos Bronson, 1799-1888

Alden, Cecil

See: Aldin, Cecil, 1870-1935

Alden, Henry Mills, 1836-1919

Alden, Isabella Macdonald

See: Pansy, 1841-1930

Alden, Raymond MacDonald, 1873-1924

Alden, W. L. (William Livingston), 1837-1908

Alderson, Matthew W., 1855-1924

Aldin, Cecil, 1870-1935

Aldington, Hilda Doolittle

See: H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), 1886-1961

Aldon, Adair

See: Meigs, Cornelia, 1884-1973

Aldrich, Anne Reeve, 1866-1892

Aldrich, Mildred, 1853-1928

Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907

Alexander, Charles Wesley, 1837-1927

Alexander, E. A.

Alexander, Ed

See: Emshwiller, Ed, 1925-1990

Alexander, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Alexander Heermann), 1894-1976

Alexander, Francesca, 1837-1917

Alexander, James B. (James Bradun), 1831-1914

Alfred, Newton H., 1900-1963

Alger, Horatio, Jr., 1832-1899

Ali Baba

See: Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915

Allan, Luke, 1877-1962

Allen County (Ind.). Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County

See: Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County

Allen, Edward Tyson, Mrs.

See: Allen, Maryland, 1877-1927

Allen, Frank Waller, 1878-1936

Allen, Gary

See: Spencer, Len, 1867-1914

Allen, Hervey, 1889-1949

Allen, James E., 1894-1964

Allen, James Lane, 1849-1925

Allen, Jay Winthrop

See: Foster, W. Bert (Walter Bertram), 1869-1929

Allen, Marjorie

See: Seiffert, Marjorie Allen, 1885-1970

Allen, Maryland, 1877-1927

Allen, William, 1784-1868

Allen, William Barney, 1830-1896

Allen, Willis Boyd, 1855-1938

Allerton, James M. (James Martin), 1822-1910

Allerton, J. J.

Allinson, Anne C. E. (Anne Crosby Emery), 1871-1932

Allison, W. M. (William Merle), 1880-1964

Allston, Washington, 1779-1843

Alma, Maude, -1895

Almon, Sophie M.

See: Hensley, Sophia Margaretta, 1866-1913

Almore, Casper

See: Beasley, Frederic W., 1808-1878

Alphonsa, Mother

See: Lathrop, Rose Hawthorne, 1851-1926

Alpi, Eero, 1885-1933

Alton, Delia

See: H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), 1886-1961

Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919

Amare, Rothayne

See: Byrne, S. J. (Stuart James), 1913-2011


See: Holden, Martha Everts, 1844?-1896

Ambrose, Lottie F.

See: Biagi

Ambrose, Paul

See: Kennedy, John Pendleton, 1795-1870

Ames, Joseph Bushnell, 1878-1928

Ames, Lucia True

See: Mead, Lucia True Ames, 1856-1936

Ames, N. (Nathaniel), 1796-1835

Amick, Robert Wesley, 1879-1969

Amy, William Lacey

See: Allan, Luke, 1877-1962

Andelin, Verner

See: Anttila, Werner, 1869-1954

Anderson, Ada Woodruff, 1860-

Anderson, Isabel, 1876-1948

Anderson, Karen, 1932-

Anderson, Karl, 1874-1956

Anderson, Murphy, 1926-2015

Anderson, Nephi, 1865-1923

Anderson, Poul, 1926-2001

Anderson, Robert Gordon, 1881-

Anderson, Sherwood, 1876-1941

Andreassen, Karl

See: Boyd, Waldo T., 1918-2012

Andrew, George T.

Andrews, Cecily Isabel Fairfield

See: West, Rebecca, 1892-1983

Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman, 1860-1936

Angellotti, Marion Polk, 1887-1975

An M. D.

Annas, Hal


Anonymous Christian

See: De Mille, James, 1833-1880

Anthony, A. V. S. (Andrew Varick Stout), 1835-1906

Anthony, Piers, 1934-

Anthony, Wilder

Anttila, Werner, 1869-1954

Anvil, Christopher, 1925-2009


See: Schultz, James Willard, 1859-1947

Apostolides, Alex, 1923-2005

Appleton, Everard Jack, 1872-1931

Appleton, Victor

Aragon, J. M. de

Arango, María del Amparo Ruiz

See: Ruiz de Burton, María Amparo, 1832-1895

Archer, Jules, 1915-2008

Archer, Lee

See: Ellison, Harlan, 1934-2018

Archer, William, 1856-1924

Archette, Guy

See: Geier, Chester S., 1921-1990

Archibald, Joe, 1898-1986

Arcot, Roger

See: Locke, Robert Donald

Arfstrom, Jon, 1928-

Arkawy, Norman, 1927-2004

Arkin, Alan, 1934-

Armour, Rebecca Agatha, 1845-1891

Armstrong, Eliza

See: Bengough, Elisa Armstrong, -1929

Armstrong, H. S.

Armstrong, Margaret, 1867-1944

Armstrong, Willimina L. (Willimina Leonora)

See: Zamin Ki Dost, 1866-1947

Armstrong, W. N.

Arnold, Birch

See: Bartlett, Alice E. (Alice Elinor), 1848-1920

Arnold, George, 1834-1865

Arnold, H. F. (Henry Ferris), 1902-1963

Arr, Stephen, 1921-2012

Arthur, Robert, 1909-1969

Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885

Ashby, Richard

Ashe, E. M., 1867-1941

Ashley, Clifford W. (Clifford Warren), 1881-1947

Ashman, William

Ashmore, Annie

See: Simpson, J. M., Mrs.

Ashmun, Margaret, 1875-1940

Ashton, Warren T., 1822-1897

Asimov, Isaac, 1920-1992

Astarita, Rafael Jerard Norman, 1912-1994

Astor, John Jacob, 1864-1912

Athanas, Verne, 1917-1962

Atheling, William

See: Pound, Ezra, 1885-1972

Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948

Atkins, Elizabeth, 1891-1962

Atkinson, Eleanor, 1863-1942

Atterley, Joseph

See: Tucker, George, 1775-1861

Atwood, Clara E., 1874-1963

Auer, Eino, 1898-1941

Augusta, Clara, 1839-1905

Aunt Ella

See: Blanchard, Amy Ella, 1856-1926

Aunt Hattie

See: Leslie, Madeline, 1815-1893

Austen, Sidney

Austin, Anne, 1895-

Austin, Jane G. (Jane Goodwin), 1831-1894

Austin, Mary, 1868-1934

Austin, Neil

Auton, C.

See: Hoppin, Augustus, 1828-1896

Avellanus, Arcadius, 1851-1935

Avery, Al

See: Montgomery, Rutherford G. (Rutherford George), 1896-1985

Avery, Harriette

See: Gaul, Harriet A. (Harriet Avery), 1886-1972

Avery, Henry M.

A. V. K.

A., W. M.

See: Allison, W. M. (William Merle), 1880-1964

Aycock, Roger D., 1914-2004

Ayers, Dick, 1924-2014

Aylward, W. J. (William James), 1875-1956

Ayres, Harry Morgan, 1881-1948

Ayres, Lucie Levéque

Babcock, Bernie, 1868-1962

Babcock, Edwina Stanton, 1875-1965

Babcock, Retta B.

Babcock, Winnifred Eaton

See: Watanna, Onoto, 1875-1954

Bacheller, Irving, 1859-1950

Backus, W. Elwyn (Waldo Elwyn), 1892-1979

Bacon, Albion Fellows, 1865-1933

Bacon, Delia Salter, 1811-1859

Bacon, Frank, 1864-1922

Bacon, Josephine Daskam, 1876-1961

Bacon, Mary Applewhite, 1863-

Baden, Frances Henshaw, 1835-1911

Bade, William L., 1928-2005

Badger, Jos. E. (Joseph Edward), 1848-1909

Bagg, Helen, 1879-1959

Bailey, Temple, 1869-1953

Baily, H. Lavinia, (Hannah Lavinia), 1837-1921

Baily, Peter

Baily, Waldron, 1871-1953

Bain, George W., 1840-1927

Baird, Edwin, 1886-1957

Baird, Frank

Baker, Charles A.

Baker, George Augustus, 1849-1906

Baker, George M. (George Melville), 1832-1890

Baker, Harriette Newell Woods

See: Leslie, Madeline, 1815-1893

Baker, Katharine, 1876-1919

Baker, Katharine Pontius

See: Baker, Katharine, 1876-1919

Baker, Rachel E.

See: Gale, Rachel Baker, 1858-1923

Baker, Wallace E., -1913

Balbalis, John, 1929-1991

Balch, Frederic Homer, 1861-1891

Balcolm, Lowell Leroy, 1887-1938

Balcom, Lowell Leroy

See: Balcolm, Lowell Leroy, 1887-1938

Baldridge, Cyrus Leroy, 1889-1977

Baldwin, Charles Sears, 1867-1935

Baldwin, Faith, 1893-1978

Baldwin, James, 1841-1925

Baldwin, Lida F. (Lida Frances), 1855-1938

Balfour, Grant, 1853-1940

Ballantine, Lesley Frost

See: Frost, Lesley, 1899-1983

Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael), 1825-1894

Ball, Benjamin West, 1823-1896

Ball, Eustace Hale, 1881-1931

Ballinger, Harry Russell, 1892-1993

Ballin, I. T.

Ballou, Maturin M. (Maturin Murray), 1820-1895

Balmer, Clinton, 1879-1967

  • Leerie (English) (as Illustrator)

Balmer, Edwin, 1883-1959

Balmer, Thomas Clinton

See: Balmer, Clinton, 1879-1967

Bamford, Mary E. (Mary Ellen), 1857-1946

Bancroft, Laura

See: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919

Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse, 1840-1914

Bangs, John Kendrick, 1862-1922

Banister, Manly, 1914-1986

Banks, Nancy Huston, 1849-1934

Banks, Raymond E., 1918-1996

Banks, Richard

Banks, William, 1859?-1920

Banning, Margaret Culkin, 1891-1982

Bannister, Manly

See: Banister, Manly, 1914-1986

Banta, Frank


See: Wright, Mabel Osgood, 1859-1934

Barbee, Phillips

See: Sheckley, Robert, 1928-2005

Barber, Alice

See: Stephens, Alice Barber, 1858-1932


Barbour, A. Maynard (Anna Maynard), -1941

Barbour, Ralph Henry, 1870-1944

Barclay, McKee, 1869-1947

Bard, Philip, 1912-1966

Bardwell, George Willis, 1868-1937

Barefoot, D. W.

Barefoot, Wesley

Barhite, Jared, 1840-1921

Barker, B. (Benjamin)

Barker, James Nelson, 1784-1858

Barker, Nettie Garmer, 1882-1953

Barklay, McKee

See: Barclay, McKee, 1869-1947

Barlay, Bennett

See: Crossen, Kendell Foster, 1910-1981

Barlett, Landell

See: Bartlett, Landell, 1897-1972

Barlow, Joel, 1754-1812

Barlow, R. H. (Robert Hayward), 1918-1951

  • R.E.H. (English) (as Author)

Barnard, A. M.

See: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888

Barnard, Charles, 1838-1920

Barnard, William Francis

Barnes, Charles R.

Barnes, Djuna, 1892-1982

  • A Book (English) (as Author)

Barnes, George Foster, 1869-1914

Barnes, Hiram P. (Hiram Putnam), 1857-1920

Barnes, Will C. (Will Croft), 1858-1936

Barney, J. Stewart (John Stewart), 1867-1925

Barney, Maginel Wright, 1877-1966

Barney, Natalie Clifford, 1877-1972

Barnitz, David Park, 1878-1901

Barr, Amelia E., 1831-1919

Barrett, Florence

See: Willoughby, Barrett, -1959

Barrett, James Francis, 1888-1934

Barrett, John

Barretton, Grandall

See: Garrett, Randall, 1927-1987

Barrett, Robert Emmett, 1872-1949

Barr, George, 1937-

Barrington, E.

See: Beck, L. Adams (Lily Adams), 1862-1931

Barron, Edward, 1874-1962

Barr, Robert, 1850-1912

Barr, Stephen

Barrus, Clara, 1864-1931

Barry, Etheldred B. (Etheldred Breeze), 1870-1967

Barry, John D. (John Daniel), 1866-1942

Barstow, Elizabeth Drew

See: Stoddard, Elizabeth, 1823-1902

Barth, Ernest Kurt, 1929-2001

Bartholomew, Stephen

Bartlett, Alden Eugene, 1873-

Bartlett, Alice E. (Alice Elinor), 1848-1920

Bartlett, Elizabeth, 1911-1994

Bartlett, Frederick Orin, 1876-1945

Bartlett, Landell, 1897-1972

Bartlett, Paul Alexander, 1909-1990

Bartlett, Steven J., 1945-

Bartlett, W. C. (William Chauncey), 1818-1907

Bartley, James Avis, 1830-1914

Bartley, Nalbro, 1888-1952

Barton, Ardelia Maria Cotton, 1843-

Barton, George, 1866-1940

Barton, Ralph, 1891-1931

Barton, Samuel, 1839-1895

Bass, Cora C., 1868-1928

Bassett, Sara Ware, 1872-1968

Bates, Arlo, 1850-1918

Bates, Harry, 1900-1981

Bates, Katharine Lee, 1859-1929

Bates, Oric, 1883-1918

Battersby, H. S. (Hannah S.), -1887?

Baudelaire, Charles, 1821-1867

Baudin, Maurice, 1892-

Baumgardt, Doris Marie Claire

See: Perri, Leslie, 1920-1970

Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919

Baur, Theodor, 1835-1894

Baxter, Beverley, 1891-1964

Bayha, Edwin F., 1880-1937

Bayly, A. Eric

Bayne, Mary Addams, 1856-1939

Bazalgette, Léon, 1873-1928

Beach, Lewis, 1891-1947

Beach, Rex, 1877-1949

Beale, Charles Willing, 1845-1932

Beals, Christine

Beard, Adelia B. (Adelia Belle), 1857-1920

Beard, Daniel Carter, 1850-1941

Beard, Frank, 1842-1905

Beard, Harry

Beard, James Franklin, 1919-1989

Beard, J. C.

Beasley, Frederic W., 1808-1878

Beaumont, Charles, 1929-1967

Bechdolt, Frederick R. (Frederick Ritchie), 1874-1950

Becher, Arthur E., 1877-1960

Beck, C. C. (Charles Clarence), 1910-1989

Beck, Charles

Beck, Clyde, 1912-1986


Becker, Arthur C.

  • Iole (English) (as Illustrator)

Beck, Frank Ver

See: Ver Beck, Frank, 1858-1933

Beck, L. Adams (Lily Adams), 1862-1931

Bedford-Jones, H. (Henry), 1887-1949

Beebe, William, 1877-1962

Beecham, John Charles

Beecham, Tom, 1926-2000

Beeckman, Ross

Beede, Clara Frances McKee

Beeman, Herbert, 1868?-1931

Beerbohm, Max, Sir, 1872-1956

Beers, Henry A. (Henry Augustin), 1847-1926

Beer, Thomas, 1889-1940


See: Vestal, Herman B., 1916-2007

Behrmann, A.

Belasco, David, 1853-1931

Beldone, Phil

See: Ellison, Harlan, 1934-2018

Belisle, D. W. (David W.), 1821?-1886

Belknap, Boynton H.

See: Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916

Bellamy, Edward, 1850-1898

Bellamy, Elizabeth W. (Elizabeth Whitfield), 1837-1900

Bellinger, Martha Idell Fletcher, 1870-1960

Bell, James

Bell, J. Cawdor

See: Campbell, John, 1840-1904

Bell, Lilian, 1867-1929

Bell, Lucia Chase, 1848-1938

Belloc, Hilaire, 1870-1953

Bell, Robert E.

Bell, R. S. Warren (Robert Stanley Warren), 1871-1921

Bell, Warren

See: Bell, R. S. Warren (Robert Stanley Warren), 1871-1921

Benchley, Robert, 1889-1945

Benda, Wladyslaw T. (Wladyslaw Theodore), 1873-1948

Bender, William

Benét, Elinor Hoyt

See: Wylie, Elinor, 1885-1928

Benét, Stephen Vincent, 1898-1943

Benét, William Rose, 1886-1950

Bengough, Elisa Armstrong, -1929

Benjamin, Park, 1849-1922

Bennet, Robert Ames, 1870-1954

Bennett, Emerson, 1822-1905

Bennett, Gertrude Barrows

See: Stevens, Francis, 1883-1948

Bennett, Henry Holcomb, 1863-1924

Bennett, John, 1865-1956

Bennett, Keith

Bennitt, Ralph

Benscoten, L. C. Van

See: Van Benscoten, L. C.

Benson, B. K. (Blackwood Ketcham), 1845-1924

Bentley, Charles S. (Charles Sylvester), 1871-1933

Bentley, William E.

Benton, Frank, 1853-1921

Benton, Stuart

See: Viereck, George Sylvester, 1884-1962

Berard, Louis

Bercovici, Konrad, 1882-1961

Bérczy, Károly, 1821-1867

Bergengren, Ralph, 1871-1947

Berger, Charles J.

Berger, William Merritt, 1872-1942

Berkman, Alexander, 1870-1936

Bernays, Edward L., 1891-1995



See: Berry, Phil

Berry, D. Bruce, 1924-1998

Berry, Don, 1932-2001

Berryman, Clifford Kennedy, 1869-1949

Berryman, John, 1919-1988

Berry, Phil

Berry, R. L. (Robert Lee), 1874-1952

Berwin, Milton

  • Sequel (English) (as Illustrator)

Bester, Alfred, 1913-1987

Betts, Anna Whelan, 1875-1959

Betts, Harold Harrington, 1881-1951

Betts, Louis, 1873-1961

Beyer, William Gray


Bickford, Nana French, 1886-1959

Bierbower, Austin, 1844-1913

Bierbower, Elsie Jane

See: Janis, Elsie, 1889-1956

Bierce, Ambrose, 1842-1914?

Bierstadt, Edward Hale, 1891-1970

Bigelow, Marguerite Ogden

See: Wilkinson, Marguerite, 1883-1928

Bigelow, Mary Ann H. T. (Mary Ann Hubbard Townsend), 1792-1870

Biggers, Earl Derr, 1884-1933

Biggle, Lloyd, Jr., 1923-2002

Billings, Hammatt, 1818-1874

Billings, Josh, 1818-1885

Binder, Eando

Binder, Jack, 1902-1986

Binder, Otto, 1911-1974

Bindloss, Harold, 1866-1945

Bing, Ding

See: Ledyard, Mary Forman, 1867-

Bingham, Edfrid A., 1870-1930

Bingham, Kate Boyles, 1876-1959

Binns, Henry Bryan, 1873-1923

Birch, Reginald Bathurst, 1856-1943

Bird, Frederic Mayer, 1838-1908

Bird, Leslie Pern

Bird, Robert Montgomery, 1806-1854

Birdsall, William W. (William Wilfred), 1854-1909

Birkmaier, Elizabeth G., 1847-1912

Birmingham, Lloyd, 1924-2010

Bishop, Zealia B. (Zealia Brown), 1897-1968

Bisland, Elizabeth, 1861-1929

Bisson, Alexandre, 1848-1912

Bixby, Jerome, 1923-1998

Björkman, Edwin, 1866-1951

Black, Alexander, 1859-1940

Black, Edith Ferguson, 1857-1936

Blackford, Charles Minor

Black, Margaret Horton

See: Potter, Margaret Horton, 1881-1911

Blade, Alexander

Blades, Leslie Burton, 1891-

Blake, Rodney

See: Clemens, William Montgomery, 1860-1931

Blanchard, Amy Ella, 1856-1926

Bland, Edith Nesbit

See: Nesbit, E. (Edith), 1858-1924

Blashfield, Albert Dodd, 1860-1920

Blewett, Jean, 1862-1934

Blish, James, 1921-1975

Bliss, Frank Chapman

Bloch, Robert, 1917-1994

Block, Rudolph Edgar

See: Lessing, Bruno, 1870-1940

Blodgett, Levi

See: Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860

Blodgett, Mabel Fuller, 1869-1959

Blomberg, Con

Bloodstone, John

See: Byrne, S. J. (Stuart James), 1913-2011

Blossom, Henry, 1866-1919

Blot, R.

Blumenschein, E. L. (Ernest Leonard), 1874-1960

Blumenschein, Mary Shepard Greene, 1869-1958

Bly, Nellie, 1864-1922

Blythe, LeGette, 1900-1993

Bobbett, Albert, 1824?-1889?

Bodenheim, Maxwell, 1893-1954

Boehm, H. Richard, 1871-1914

Bogue, Lilian Lida Bell

See: Bell, Lilian, 1867-1929

Boisgilbert, Edmund

See: Donnelly, Ignatius, 1831-1901

Bois, L. Du

See: Du Bois, L.

Boissevain, Edna St. Vincent Millay

See: Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1892-1950

Bois, W. E. B. Du

See: Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963

Boker, George H. (George Henry), 1823-1890

Bok, Hannes, 1914-1964

Bolen, C. Edgar (Charles Edgar), 1909-1988

Bolles, John R. (John Rogers), 1810-1895

Bolton, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1841-1901

Bolton, Richard

Bolton, Sarah Knowles, 1841-1916


Bond, Nelson S., 1908-2006

Bone, David W. (David William), 1874-1959

Bonehill, Ralph

See: Stratemeyer, Edward, 1862-1930

Bone, Jesse F. (Jesse Franklin), 1916-2006

Bonnell, M. A.

Bonner, Geraldine, 1870-1930

Bonsall, Elizabeth Fearne, 1861-1956

Bonstelle, Jessie, 1872?-1932

Booth, Franklin, 1874-1948

Booth, Hanson, 1885-1944

Boren, Sol

Bosanquet, Theodora, 1881-1961

Bosher, Kate Langley, 1865-1932

Boston, Ralph

Bostwick, Arthur E. (Arthur Elmore), 1860-1942

Both, Armand, 1881-1922

Botkin, Henry Albert, 1896-1983

Bottomley, Gordon, 1874-1948

Bottomley, Kate Madeline Barry

See: Vera, 1865-

Boucher, Anthony, 1911-1968

Bouquet, Johnny

See: Townsend, George Alfred, 1841-1914

Bourbon Orléans, Françoise Marie de

See: Whiteley, Opal Stanley

Bourne, Randolph Silliman, 1886-1918

Bouton, John Bell, 1830-1902

Boutwood, Charles Edward, 1860-1937

Bova, Ben, 1932-2020

Bovah, Ben

See: Bova, Ben, 1932-2020

Bowen, James L. (James Lorenzo), 1842-1919

Bowen, Sue Petigru, 1824-1875

Bower, B. M., 1871-1940


Bowman, Bill

Bowman, Earl Wayland, 1875-1952

Bowman, Louise Morey, 1882-1944

Bowyer, Edith M. Nicholl

See: Nicholl, Edith M.

Boxer, Emily

See: Hahn, Emily, 1905-1997

Boyce, Neith, 1872-1951

Boyd, E. E., Mrs.

Boyd, Nancy

See: Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1892-1950

Boyd, Thomas, 1898-1935

Boyd, Waldo T., 1918-2012

Boyer, Ralph L. (Ralph Ludwig), 1879-1952

Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth, 1848-1895

Boyles, Kate

See: Bingham, Kate Boyles, 1876-1959

Boyles, Virgil D. (Virgil Dillin), 1872-1965

Boyle, Virginia Frazer, 1863-1938

Boynton, Henry Walcott, 1869-1947

Boynton, Percy Holmes, 1875-1946

Boyzy, P.

See: Tinsley, Henry C., 1834-1902

Braakensiek, Joh. (Johan Coenraad), 1858-1940

Brackenridge, H. H. (Hugh Henry), 1748-1816

Bracker, M. Leone, 1885-1937

Brackett, Leigh, 1915-1978

Bradbury, Ray, 1920-2012

Braden, James A. (James Andrew), 1872-1955

Bradford, Sarah H. (Sarah Hopkins), 1818-1912

Bradley, Jack, 1903?-1960

Bradley, Marion Zimmer, 1930-1999

Bradley, Mary E.

See: Lane, Mary E. Bradley

Bradley, Mary Hastings, 1882-1976

Bradshaw, Alden F.

Bradshaw, Wesley

See: Alexander, Charles Wesley, 1837-1927

Bradshaw, William Richard, 1851-1927


Brady, Cyrus Townsend, 1861-1920

Brady, Jasper Ewing, 1866-1940

Bragdon, Claude Fayette, 1866-1946

  • Verse (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)

Brainerd, Eleanor Hoyt, 1868-1942

Braithwaite, William Stanley, 1878-1962

Brandes, Georg, 1842-1927

Brand, Max, 1892-1944

Branham, Bolling

Brann, William Cowper, 1855-1898

Brawley, Benjamin Griffith, 1882-1939

Breese, William Lleywelyn, Mrs.

See: Gale, Zona, 1874-1938

Brehm, George, 1878-1966

Brehm, Worth, 1883-1928

Breitmann, Hans

See: Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1824-1903

Brennan, Joseph Payne, 1918-1990

Breslin, John (John Joseph), 1830?-1887

Bretnor, Reginald, 1911-1992

Bretsnyder, W.

Brett, Harold, 1880-1955

Breuer, Miles J. (Miles John), 1889-1945

Brewster, Eugene V. (Eugene Valentine), 1869-1939

Brey, Charles

Bridger, John

See: Gibson, Joe

Bridges, Robert, 1858-1941

Bridgham, Gladys Ruth

Brieux, Eugène, 1858-1932

Brigden, Frederick Henry, 1871-1956

Briggs, Austin, 1908-1973

Briggs, Olive M. (Olive Mary), 1873-

Brigham, Johnson, 1846-1936

Brighouse, Harold, 1882-1958

Brillhart, Ralph, 1924-2007

Brindley, Willis

Brine, Mary D. (Mary Dow)

Brinkerhoff, R. M.

Brinton, Davis

Brinton, Howard Futhey, 1872-

Brisbane, Arthur, 1864-1936

Brittain, William J.

Britton, Sumner Charles, 1902-

Broadhurst, George Howells, 1866-1952

Brock, C. E. (Charles Edmund), 1870-1938

Broderick, Therese, 1870-

Bromfield, Louis, 1896-1956

Bronner, Milton

Bronson, Edgar Beecher, 1856-1917

Bronson-Howard, George, 1884-1922

Brooke, Rupert, 1887-1915

Brooks, Amy

Brooks, Charles S. (Charles Stephen), 1878-1934

Brooks, Kirby

Brooks, Maria Gowen, 1795?-1845

Brooks, Sarah Warner, 1822-1906

Brooks, Van Wyck, 1886-1963

Brooks, Virginia, 1886-

Broome, John, 1913-1999

Brosnatch, Andrew, 1896-1965

Brotman, Adolph E.

Broun, Heywood, 1888-1939

Brown, Alice, 1857-1948

Brown, Arthur L. (Arthur Lewis), 1854-1928

Brown, Arthur William, 1881-1966

Brown, Charles Brockden, 1771-1810

Brown, Charlotte Harding

See: Harding, Charlotte, 1873-1951

Brown, Clyde

Brown, Demetra Vaka

See: Vaka, Demetra, 1877-1946

Browne, Alice Harriman

See: Harriman, Alice, 1861-1925

Browne, Charles Farrar

See: Ward, Artemus, 1834-1867

Browne, Charles Francis, 1859-1920

  • Bolanyo (English) (as Illustrator)

Brown, Edna A., 1875-1944

Brown, E. E. (Emma Elizabeth), 1847-

Browne, George Waldo, 1851-1930

Browne, Hablot Knight, 1815-1882

Browne, Howard, 1907-1999

Brownell, Gertrude Hall, 1863-1961

Brownell, W. C. (William Crary), 1851-1928

Browne, Martha Griffith, 1828-1906

Brown, Emma Augusta

See: Collins, E. Burke, Mrs., 1848-

Browne, Porter Emerson, 1879-1934

Browne, Thaddeus A. (Thaddeus Augustine), 1878-1935?

Brown, Ethel Pennewill

See: Leach, Ethel Pennewill Brown, 1878-1959

Brown, Florence Verbell

Brown, Fredric, 1906-1972

Brown, George Alfred, 1876-

Brown, Howard V., 1878-1945

Browning, Craig

See: Phillips, Rog, 1909-1965

Brown, Jimmy

See: Alden, W. L. (William Livingston), 1837-1908

Brown, John Price

See: Price-Brown, John, 1844-1938

Brown, Katharine Holland, -1931

Brownlow, Edward Burrough, 1857-1895

Brown, Martin, 1884-1936

  • Cobra (English) (as Author)

Brown, Paul Cameron, 1948-

Brown, Ritter

Brown, Rosel George, 1926-1967

Brown, Sterling A., 1901-1989

Brown, Stewart Pierce

Brown, Sydney Joyce

See: Van Scyoc, Sydney J., 1939-2023

Brown, Thomas Dunn

See: English, Thomas Dunn, 1819-1902

Brown, Wenzell, 1911-1981

Brown, William Hill, 1765-1793

Brown, William Perry, 1847-1923

Brown, William Wells, 1814?-1884

Brudno, Ezra S., 1877-1936

Brudy, John

Brummitt, Dan B. (Dan Brearley), 1867-1939

Brundage, Margaret, 1900-1976


Bruno, Guido, 1884-1942

Bryant, H. E. C. (Henry Edward Cowan), 1873-1967

Bryant, Red Buck

See: Bryant, H. E. C. (Henry Edward Cowan), 1873-1967

Bryant, William Cullen, 1794-1878

Buchanan, Thompson, 1877-1937

Buck, Charles Neville, 1879-1957

Bucke, Richard Maurice, 1837-1902

Buck, Gertrude, 1871-1922

Buckner, Bradner

See: Repp, Ed Earl, 1900-1979

Buck, Pearl S. (Pearl Sydenstricker), 1892-1973

Budgett, Frances Elizabeth Janes

See: Dejeans, Elizabeth, 1873-1928

Budrys, Algis, 1931-2008

Buhler, Augustus W. (Augustus Waldeck), 1853-1920

Bukstein, I. M.

Bullard, Artur

See: Edwards, Albert, 1879-1929

Bull, Charles Livingston, 1874-1932

Bullock, James Dempsey

Bull-us, Hector

See: Paulding, James Kirke, 1778-1860

Bump, Charles Weathers, 1872-1908

Bunce, Oliver Bell, 1828-1890

Bunch, David R., 1925-2000

Bunch, John

Bunner, H. C. (Henry Cuyler), 1855-1896

Buntline, Ned, 1823?-1886

Bupp, Walter

See: Berryman, John, 1919-1988


Burd, C. M. (Clara Miller), 1873-1933

Burdette, Robert J. (Robert Jones), 1844-1914

Burdick, Austin C.

See: Cobb, Sylvanus, 1823-1887

Burgess, Gelett, 1866-1951

Burgess, H.

Burgess, Thornton W. (Thornton Waldo), 1874-1965

Burke, Charles, 1822-1854

Burke, Fielding

See: Dargan, Olive Tilford, 1869-1968

Burke, Ralph

See: Garrett, Randall, 1927-1987

Burke, Thomas, 1886-1945

Burkham, E. G. (Elzey Gallatin), 1872-

Burks, Arthur J., 1898-1974

Burleigh, G. W.

See: Stephens, C. A. (Charles Asbury), 1844-1931

Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 1849-1924

Burnham, Clara Louise, 1854-1927


Burns, William J., 1861-1932

Burpee, Lawrence J. (Lawrence Johnstone), 1873-1946

Burr, E. F. (Enoch Fitch), 1818-1907

Burrell, David De Forest, 1876-

Burrell, David James, 1844-1926

Burr, Jane

Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 1875-1950

Burroughs, John, 1837-1921

Burtis, Thomson, 1896-1971

Burt, Katharine Newlin, 1882-1977

Burt, Maxwell Struthers, 1882-1954

Burton, Frederick R. (Frederick Russell), 1861-1909

Burton, María Amparo Ruiz de

See: Ruiz de Burton, María Amparo, 1832-1895

Burton, Russell

Burt, Struthers

See: Burt, Maxwell Struthers, 1882-1954

Buschlen, J. P. (John Preston)

See: Preston, Jack, 1888-

Bush, Florence Lilian

Bush, Isabel Graham

Butler, Ellis Parker, 1869-1937

Butler, Maude Mary

Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1862-1947

Butterworth, Hezekiah, 1839-1905

Buttz Clark, Felicia

See: Clark, Felicia Buttz, 1862-1939

Butz, C. A.

Bynner, Witter, 1881-1968

Byrne, S. J. (Stuart James), 1913-2011

Byron, Joseph

Byron, May, 1861-1936

Byrum, Isabel C. (Isabel Coston), 1870-1938

Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958

Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925

Cabot, Eliza Lee

See: Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot, 1787-1860

Cabot, John York

See: O'Brien, David Wright, 1918-1944

Cady, Elizabeth

See: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 1815-1902

Cady, Harrison, 1877-1970

Caffrey, Andrew A. (Andrew Augustine), 1891-1970

Cahan, Abraham, 1860-1951

Cahan, Samuel George, 1886-1974


Caldecott, Randolph, 1846-1886

Calderón de Pinillos, Carmen Torres

Caldwell, George W. (George Walter), 1866-1946

Caldwell, Willie Walker, 1860-1946

Calhoun, Frances Boyd, 1867-1909

Calhoun, Howell

Caliga, I. H. (Isaac Henry), 1857-1934

Calin, Harold

Callahan, Daniel

Callaway, Morgan, 1862-1936

Calle, Paul, 1928-2010

Call, Frank Oliver, 1878-1956

Cameron, Rhoda

See: Ayres, Lucie Levéque

Campbell, Alice, 1887-1976

Campbell, Frances

See: Sparhawk, Frances C., 1847-1930

Campbell, Helen, 1839-1918

Campbell, John, 1840-1904

Campbell, John Scott

Campbell, John W., Jr. (John Wood), 1910-1971

Campbell, Margaretta Wade

See: Deland, Margaret Wade Campbell, 1857-1945

Campbell, M. L.

Campbell, Wilfred, 1858?-1918

Camp, Charles B. De

See: De Camp, Charles B.

Campo, Henry del, 1899-1961

Camp, Wadsworth, 1879-1936

Canavan, M. J. (Michael Joseph)

Canby, Henry Seidel, 1878-1961

Canfield, Dorothy

See: Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 1879-1958

Capps, Carroll Mather

See: MacApp, C. C., 1917-1971

Carder, Leigh

See: Cunningham, Eugene, 1896-1957

Carey, Charles

See: Waddell, C. C. (Charles Carey), 1868-1930

Carghill, Ralph

See: Cox, Arthur Jean, 1929-2016

Carhart, Margaret Sprague, 1877-

Carleton, Clifford, 1867-1946

Carleton, H. B.

See: Browne, Howard, 1907-1999

Carleton, May

See: Fleming, May Agnes, 1840-1880

Carleton, S.

See: Jones, Susan Morrow, 1864?-1926

Carleton, Will, 1845-1912

Carlson, Mary

Carlton, Henry Fisk

Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881

Carman, Bliss, 1861-1929

Carner, Josep, 1884-1971

Caro, Blanche Sarah

See: Upright, Blanche, 1880-1948

Carpenter, Horace T.

Carpenter, William H. (William Henry), 1853-1936

Carr-Harris, Bertha, 1863-1949

Carr, John F., 1944-

Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898

Carroll, William, 1915-2014

Carr, Terry, 1937-1987

Carruth, Hayden, 1862-1932

Carryl, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1841-1920

Carryl, Guy Wetmore, 1873-1904

Carson, James, Captain

Carson, Lewis W.

See: Aiken, Albert W., 1846-1894

Carson, Sam


Carter, Charles Franklin, 1890-1957

Carteret, John Dunloe

Carter, F. A. (Freeland A.)

Carter, James S.

See: Cullen, Countee, 1903-1946

Carter, Jefferson

Carter, John Franklin

See: Franklin, Jay, 1897-1967

Carter, Manfred A.

Carter, Nicholas (House name)

Cartier, Edd, 1914-2008

Cartwright, Charles E.

Carus, Paul, 1852-1919

Caruthers, William Alexander, 1802-1846

Cary, William de la Montagne, 1840-1922

Casey, Patrick, 1893-

Casey, Terence

Caskoden, Edwin

See: Major, Charles, 1856-1913

Casparian, Gregory, 1856-1942

Cassel, John Harmon, 1872-1961

Casseres, Benjamin De

See: De Casseres, Benjamin, 1873-1945

Castaigne, J. André, 1861-1929

Castle, Arnold

Castle, Herb

See: Kastle, Herbert D., 1924-1987

Castleman, Virginia Carter

Castlemon, Harry, 1842-1915

Castro, Adolphe Danziger de

See: Danziger, Adolphe, 1859-1959

Caswell, Edward C., 1879-1963

Caswell, Harriet S., 1834-

Cathal, Michael

Cather, Willa, 1873-1947

Catherwood, Mary Hartwell, 1847-1902

Causey, James, 1924-2003

Causse, Frédéric, 1892-1951

Caustic, Christopher

See: Fessenden, Thomas Green, 1771-1837

Cavalieri, Gastone


Cavendish, Harry

See: Peterson, Charles J. (Charles Jacobs), 1819-1887

Cawein, Madison Julius, 1865-1914

Caxton, W. H. (William Henry)

See: Rhodes, W. H. (William Henry), 1822-1876

Cecil, Henry

See: Keller, David H. (David Henry), 1880-1966

Cente, H. F.

Cesare, Oscar Edward, 1885-1948

Chaber, M. E.

See: Crossen, Kendell Foster, 1910-1981

Chace, Howard L., 1897-1982

Chalmers, Margaret Piper, 1880-

Chamberlain, Emily Hall, -1916

Chamberlain, Esther

Chamberlain, George Agnew, 1879-1966

Chamberlain, Henry Richardson, 1859-1911

Chamberlain, Lucia

Chambers, C. E.

Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933

Champaigne, Philippe de, 1602-1674

Champney, James Wells, 1843-1903

Chandler, Amélie Rives

See: Rives, Amélie, 1863-1945

Chaney, John Griffith

See: London, Jack, 1876-1916

Channing, Grace Ellery, 1862-1937

Channing, W. H. (William Henry), 1810-1884

Chant, Joseph Horatio, 1837-1928

Chapin, Harold, 1886-1915

Chapin, Henry, 1893-1983

Chaplin, Heman White, 1847-1924

Chaplin, Ralph, 1887-1961

Chapman, Arthur, 1873-1935

Chapman, Charles M.

Chapman, Charles Shepard, 1879-1962

Chapman, Ethel M., 1888-1976

Chapman, H. Alfarata (Harriet Alfarata)

See: Thompson, H. Alfarata Chapman (Harriet Alfarata Chapman), 1871-1922

Chapman, John Jay, 1862-1933

Chapman, John L. (John Leslie), 1920-

Chapman, S. E. (Samuel E.)

Chapman, W. F.

Chappell, George S. (George Shepard), 1877-1946

Charbonneau, Louis, 1924-2017

Chard, Thomas S.

Chase, Adam

See: Marlowe, Stephen, 1928-2008

Chase, Allan, 1913-1993

Chase, Edward L., 1884-

Chase, J. Smeaton (Joseph Smeaton), 1864-1923

Chase, Mary Ellen, 1887-1973

Châteauclair, Wilfrid

See: Lighthall, W. D. (William Douw), 1857-1954

Chatfield-Taylor, H. C. (Hobart Chatfield), 1865-1945

Cheley, Frank H. (Frank Howbert), 1889-1941

Cheney, Ednah Dow, 1824-1904

Cheney, H. V. (Harriet Vaughan), 1796-1889

Cheney, Roland

Chenoweth, Alice

See: Gardener, Helen H. (Helen Hamilton), 1853-1925

Chesnutt, Charles W. (Charles Waddell), 1858-1932

Chester, George Randolph, 1869-1924

Chester, Lillian, 1887-1961

Chickering, Charles R. (Charles Ransom), 1891-1970

Child, David Lee, Mrs.

See: Child, Lydia Maria, 1802-1880

Child, Lydia Maria, 1802-1880

Child, Richard Washburn, 1881-1935

Childs, Eleanor Stuart

See: Stuart, Eleanor, 1876-1920

Childs, Elma McNeal

Chipperfield, Robert Orr

See: Ostrander, Isabel, 1883-1924

Chisholm, A. M. (Arthur Murray), 1872-1960

Chittenden, Gerald, 1882-

Chittenden, L. E. (Lucius Eugene), 1824-1900

Chopin, Kate, 1850-1904

Christian, W. E.

Christy, Howard Chandler, 1873-1952

Church, Frederick S. (Frederick Stuart), 1842-1924

Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947

Clare, Maurice

See: Byron, May, 1861-1936

Clark, Badger, 1883-1957

Clark, Charles Dunning

See: Hamilton, W. J., 1843-1892

Clark, Charles Heber, 1841-1915

Clark, Dale, 1905-1988

Clarke, Covington, 1892-

Clarke, Frances H.

See: Forbush, Zebina

Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888

Clarke, Jay

Clark, Ellery H. (Ellery Harding), 1874-1949

Clarke, Thomas, active 1830-1872

Clark, Felicia Buttz, 1862-1939

Clark, John D. (John Drury), 1907-1988

Clark, Louise

Clark, Nalbro

See: Bartley, Nalbro, 1888-1952

Clark, Virginia Hynson Keep

See: Keep, Virginia Hynson

Clark, Walter Appleton, 1876-1906

Clatten, Lillian

See: Mayo, Margaret, 1882-1951

Clavers, Mary

See: Kirkland, Caroline M. (Caroline Matilda), 1801-1864

Clay, Bertha M., 1865-1922

Clay, John Cecil, 1875-1930

Clay, John Wood

Cleaveland, Elizabeth H. Jocelyn (Elizabeth Hannah Jocelyn), 1824-1911

Cleghorn, Sarah Norcliffe, 1876-1959

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne

See: Twain, Mark, 1835-1910

Clemens, William Montgomery, 1860-1931

Clement, Hal, 1922-2003

Clement, Joseph M., 1894-1956

Clements, Colin, 1894-1948

Clements, G. H. (George Henry), 1854-1935

Cleveland, Cecilia Pauline, 1850-

Cleyre, Voltairine de

See: De Cleyre, Voltairine, 1866-1912

Clifford, Helen C.

Clifford, Josephine, 1838-

Clifford, Natalie

See: Barney, Natalie Clifford, 1877-1972

Clifton, Mark, 1906-1963

Clifton, Oliver Lee

See: Rathborne, St. George, 1854-1938

Clinedinst, B. West (Benjamin West), 1860-1931

Clinton, Ed M., 1926-2006

Clothier, Bill, 1921-2015

Clutter, Mark

Clyne, Ronald, 1925-2006

Coalfleet, Pierre, 1893-1960

Cobb, Benj. F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1844-1923

Cobb, G. C.

Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury), 1876-1944

Cobb, Sylvanus, 1823-1887

Coblentz, Adrien

Coblentz, Stanton A. (Stanton Arthur), 1896-1982

Coburn, Alvin Langdon, 1882-1966

Coburn, Fordyce, Mrs.

See: Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell, 1872-1958

Coburn, Frederick Simpson, 1871-1960

Coburn, Walt, 1889-1971

Cochran, Elizabeth

See: Bly, Nellie, 1864-1922

Cocke, Sarah Johnson

Cocking, Ron

Cody, H. A. (Hiram Alfred), 1872-1948

Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959

Coe, Chester

See: Cohen, Chester

Coe, Milton L.

Coffin, Charles Carleton, 1823-1896

Coffin, Frederick M.

Coffin, Haskell, 1878-1941

Cogan, Alan

Coggins, Frank W.

Cohen, Alfred J.

See: Dale, Alan, 1861-1928

Cohen, Chester

Cohen, Helen Louise, 1882-1957

Cohen, Octavus Roy, 1891-1959

Colborne, Elizabeth, 1885-1948

Colburn, Frona Eunice Wait (Smith)

See: Wait, Frona Eunice, 1859-1946

Colcock, Annie T.

Colcord, Lincoln, 1883-1947

Colcraft, Henry Rowe

See: Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864

Cole, Everett B., 1910-2001

Cole, Les, 1926-2019

Coleman, Jamie Harris, 1893-

  • Poems (English) (as Author)

Coleman, Ralph P. (Ralph Pallen), 1892-1968

Colladay, Morrison, 1877-

Colles, Julia Keese

Collier, Ada Langworthy, 1843-

Collier, Nick Sherlock

See: Davis, J. Frank (James Francis), 1870-1942

Collingwood, Herbert W. (Herbert Winslow), 1857-1927

Collins, E. Burke, Mrs., 1848-

Collins, J. E. (Joseph Edmund), 1855-1892

Collins, John, 1814-1902

Collins, Les

See: Cole, Les, 1926-2019

Collins, Sewell, 1876-1934

Coll, Joseph Clement, 1881-1921

Colter, J. J., Mrs.

Colton, Arthur, 1868-1943

Columbian patriot

See: Warren, Mercy Otis, 1728-1814

Colvin, Donald

Combs, Josiah Henry, 1886-1960

Comer, Cornelia A. P. (Cornelia Atwood Pratt), 1865-1929

Comfort, Benjamin F. (Benjamin Freeman), 1863-1941

Comfort, Will Levington, 1878-1932

Compton, Paul

Comstock, Augustus

See: Starbuck, Roger, 1837-

Comstock, Enos B. (Enos Benjamin), 1879-1945

Comstock, Harriet T. (Harriet Theresa), 1860-1943


See: Knight, Damon, 1922-2002

Conant, Chester B.

See: Cohen, Chester

Conant, Henry Reed, 1872-

  • Poems (English) (as Author)

Cone, Helen Gray, 1859-1934

Congdon, Louise Buffum

Conger, Henry Rutgers, -1920

Conkling, Hilda, 1910-1986

Conklin, Nathaniel, Mrs., 1841-1900

Conlon, Ben


Connell, Richard Edward, 1893-1949

Connolly, James B. (James Brendan), 1868-1957

Connor, Elizabeth H.

Connor, Ralph, 1860-1937

Conover, W. F.

Conover, William

Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924

Conrey, Lee F.

Consolation Club

Constant, Barbara

Converse, Florence, 1871-1967

Conway, Hugh, 1847-1885

Conwell, Russell H., 1843-1925

Cook, Clarence, 1828-1900

  • Poems (English) (as Author)

Cooke, Arthur

See: Kornbluth, C. M. (Cyril M.), 1923-1958

Cooke, Edmund Vance, 1866-1932

Cooke, George Willis, 1848-1923

Cooke, Grace MacGowan, 1863-1944

Cooke, Jig

See: Cook, George Cram, 1873-1924

Cooke, John Esten, 1830-1886

Cooke, John Estes

See: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919

Cooke, Marjorie Benton, 1876-1920

Cook, George Cram, 1873-1924

  • Plays (English) (as Contributor)

Cook, Marion

See: Stow, Marion Cook, 1875-1910

Cook, Susan

See: Glaspell, Susan, 1882?-1948

Cook, William Wallace, 1867-1933

Coolbrith, Ina D. (Ina Donna), 1841-1928

Cooley, Jack

Cooley, James Ewing, 1802-1882

Coolidge, Asenath Carver

Coolidge, Cassius M.

Coolidge, Dane, 1873-1940

Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905

Coombs, Murdo

See: Davis, Frederick C. (Frederick Clyde), 1902-1977

Coomes, Oll, 1845-1921

Cooney, Fanny Young Cory

See: Cory, Fanny Y., 1877-1972

Cooper, Courtney Ryley, 1886-1940

Cooper, Elizabeth, 1877-1945

Cooper, F. G., 1883-1961

Cooper, Forrestine

See: Hooker, Forrestine C. (Forrestine Cooper), 1867-1932

Cooper, Francis L. (Francis Le Roy)

Cooper, Frank

See: Simms, William Gilmore, 1806-1870

Cooper, James A., 1862-1930

Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851

Cooper, Michael D.

Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 1813-1894

Cootes, F. Graham

Copeland, Benjamin

Copeland, Charles, 1858-1929

Copland, Charles

Coppel, Alfred, 1921-2004

Copp, Hugh Doak

See: Rankin, Hugh, 1878-1956

Copus, J. E. (John Edwin), 1854-1915

Corbin, Alice

See: Henderson, Alice Corbin, 1881-1949

Cord, Harry

Cornelius, Mary Ann Mann, 1829-1918

Cornell, Beaumont Sandfield, 1892-

Corners, George F.

See: Viereck, George Sylvester, 1884-1962

Cornwell, Dean, 1892-1960

Corson, C. S. (Charles Schell), 1882-1921

Corwin, Cecil

See: Kornbluth, C. M. (Cyril M.), 1923-1958

Cory, Charles B. (Charles Barney), 1857-1921

Cory, David, 1872-1966

Cory, Fanny Y., 1877-1972

Cory, John

Cosens, Abner

Cossa, Mario

Costain, Thomas B. (Thomas Bertram), 1885-1965

Costantini, Anna Miller, 1880-

  • Ragna (English) (as Author)

Costello, P. F.

Cotes, Everard, Mrs.

See: Duncan, Sara Jeannette, 1861-1922

Cotten, Sallie Southall

Cotter, Frank J.

Cotter, Joseph S. (Joseph Seamon), 1861-1949

Cotton, José Mario Garry Ordoñez Edmondson y

See: Edmondson, G. C., 1922-1995

Cottrell, Charles

Counselman, Mary Elizabeth, 1911-1995

Courcy, Dorothy de

See: De Courcy, Dorothy

Courcy, John de

See: De Courcy, John

Coursey, O. W. (Oscar William), 1873-

Cousin Cicely

See: Bradford, Sarah H. (Sarah Hopkins), 1818-1912

Cousin, John W. (John William), 1849-1910

Cousin Martha

See: Finley, Martha, 1828-1909

Coverdale, Henry Standish

Cowan, James

Cowherd, Thomas, 1817-1907


Cox, Arthur Jean, 1929-2016

Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896

Cox, Florence Tinsley, 1877-1940

Cox, Irving E., 1917-2001

Cox, Jean

See: Cox, Arthur Jean, 1929-2016

Coye, Lee Brown, 1907-1981

Craddock, Charles Egbert, 1850-1922

Craddock, Irving

Craig, A. A.

See: Anderson, Poul, 1926-2001

Craig, B. F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1814-

Craig, Frank, 1874-1918

Craig-Wentworth, Marion

See: Wentworth, Marion Craig, 1872-1942

Cram, Mildred, 1889-1985

Cramp, Walter S. (Walter Samuel), 1867-1932

  • Psyche (English) (as Author)

Cram, Ralph Adams, 1863-1942

Cranch, Christopher Pearse, 1813-1892

Crane, Frank, 1861-1928

Crane, Nathalia, 1913-1998

Crane, Stephen, 1871-1900

Cranston, Ruth, 1887-1956

Crapsey, Adelaide, 1878-1914

  • Verse (English) (as Author)

Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909

Crawford, Isabella Valancy, 1850-1887

Crawford, Jack Randall, 1878-1968

Crawford, Will, 1869-1944

Crayon, Geoffrey

See: Irving, Washington, 1783-1859

Creagan, Leo F.

Crerie, Frank

Crewdson, Charles N. (Charles Newman), 1870-

Crim, Matt, Miss

Crinkle, Nym

See: Wheeler, A. C. (Andrew Carpenter), 1835-1903

Croaker, Jun.

See: Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 1790-1867

Croly, J. C. (Jane Cunningham), 1829-1901

Cronyn, George W. (George William), 1888-1969

Croom, Elizabeth W. (Elizabeth Whitfield)

See: Bellamy, Elizabeth W. (Elizabeth Whitfield), 1837-1900

Crosby, Ernest, 1856-1907

Crosby, Harry C.

See: Anvil, Christopher, 1925-2009

Crosby, Raymond Moreau, 1876-1945

Crossen, Kendell Foster, 1910-1981

Cross, Gene

See: Cox, Arthur Jean, 1929-2016

Crothers, Samuel McChord, 1857-1927

Crowfield, Christopher

See: Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896

Crow, Martha Foote, 1854-1924

Crowninshield, Schuyler, Mrs., -1913

Crozier, R. H. (Robert Hoskins), 1836-1913

Cue, Harold James, 1887-1961

Culbertson, Ernest Howard

Cullen, Clarence Louis, -1922

Cullen, Countee, 1903-1946

  • Color (English) (as Author)

Cull, John Augustine

Culter, Richard

Cumming, R. D. (Robert Dalziel), 1871-1958

Cummings, Edward, 1861-1926

Cummings, E. E. (Edward Estlin), 1894-1962

Cummings, Lettie M.

Cummings, Monette, 1914-1999

Cummings, Ray, 1887-1957

Cummins, Harle Oren, 1859-1931

Cummins, Maria S. (Maria Susanna), 1827-1866

Cummins, Mary Hornibrook

Cuneo, Cyrus, 1879-1916

Cuningham, John

Cunningham, Charles D.

Cunningham, Eugene, 1896-1957

Curnick, Edward T.

Currie, Barton Wood, 1877-1962

Curry, Mike

Curtis, Betsy, 1917-2002

Curtis, Charles A. (Charles Albert), 1835-1907

Curtis, David A., 1846-1923

Curtis, Dora

Curtis, Edward S., 1868-1952

Curtis, George William, 1824-1892

Curtis, Herbert Pelham

Curtis, Jessie

See: Shepherd, Jessie Curtis, 1842-1907

Curtis, Richard Harvey

Curtiss, Christine Tucke

Curtiss, Julia Louisa Matilda

See: Jay, W. M. L., 1833-1909

Curtis, T. D. (Thomas Day)

Curtis, Wardon Allan, 1867-1940

Curwood, James Oliver, 1878-1927

Curzon, Sarah Anne, 1833-1898

Cuthrell, Faith Baldwin

See: Baldwin, Faith, 1893-1978

Cutting, Mary Stewart, 1851-1924


See: Fréchette, Louis Honoré, 1839-1908

Dabney, Virginius, 1835-1894

Daggett, Mary Stewart, 1856-1922

D'Agraives, Jean

See: Causse, Frédéric, 1892-1951

Daingerfield, Foxhall, 1887-1933

Dair, Spencer

Dake, Charles Romyn, 1849-1899

D'Albaflor, Joan

See: Carner, Josep, 1884-1971

Dale, Alan, 1861-1928

Dale, Horace C.

Daley, Donald F.

Daley, John Bernard, 1918-2011

Dallas, Richard

Dalrymple, Leona, 1884-1968

Dalton, William, 1821-1875

Dalziel, D. (Davison)

Dalziel, Edward, 1817-1905

Dalziel, George, 1815-1902

Damon, S. Foster (Samuel Foster), 1893-1971

Dana, John Cotton, 1856-1929

Dana, Marvin, 1867-1926

Dana, Mary S. B. (Mary Stanley Bunce)

See: Shindler, Mary Dana, 1810-1883

Dana, Richard Henry, 1815-1882

Danforth, Harry

See: Peterson, Charles J. (Charles Jacobs), 1819-1887

Daniel, Lucius

Danielson, Fannie Hurst

See: Hurst, Fannie, 1889-1968

Danzell, George

See: Bond, Nelson S., 1908-2006

Danzig, Allan, 1931-

Danziger, Adolphe, 1859-1959

D'Apery, Ellen

See: Harper, Olive, 1842-1915

Dare, Howard

See: Byrne, S. J. (Stuart James), 1913-2011

Dargan, Olive Tilford, 1869-1968

Darío, Rubén, 1867-1916

  • Poemas (Spanish) (as Contributor)

Darley, Felix Octavius Carr, 1822-1888

Darling, Jay N. (Jay Norwood), 1876-1962

Darlington, Edgar B. P.

Darragh, J. Thomas

See: Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909

Darrow, Clarence, 1857-1938

Daskam, Josephine Dodge

See: Bacon, Josephine Daskam, 1876-1961

Dàuli, Gian, 1884-1945

Davenport, Benjamin Rush

Davidson, Marion

See: Garis, Howard Roger, 1873-1962

Davies, Linton

Daviess, Maria Thompson, 1872-1924

Davis, Chandler, 1926-2022

Davis, Charles Belmont, 1866-1926

Davis, Charles H.

Davis, Edward Ziegler, 1878-1924

Davis, Fannie Stearns, 1884-

Davis, Foxcroft, 1860-1916

Davis, Frederick C. (Frederick Clyde), 1902-1977

Davis, Horace Chandler

See: Davis, Chandler, 1926-2022

Davis, J. Frank (James Francis), 1870-1942

Davis, John Massie

Davis, Means

Davison, Frank Cyril Shaw

See: Coalfleet, Pierre, 1893-1960

Davison, Lawrence H. (Lawrence Herbert)

See: Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930

Davis, Oscar K. (Oscar King), 1866-1932

Davis, Owen, 1874-1956

Davis, Rebecca Harding, 1831-1910

Davis, Richard Harding, 1864-1916

Davis, Warren B., 1865-1928

Davis, William Stearns, 1877-1930

Dawson, Coningsby, 1883-1959

Dawson, George Francis

Day, Clarence, 1874-1935

Day, Edmund, 1866-1923

Day, Francis, 1863-1942

Day, Holman, 1865-1935

Day, Thomas Fleming, 1861-1927

Dayton, Laura H.

See: Fessenden, Laura Dayton

Dazey, Charles Turner, 1855-1938

Dean, John Ward, 1815-1902

Dean, William

See: Cox, Arthur Jean, 1929-2016

Dearborn, Andrew, 1836-1909

De Bourbon Orléans, Françoise Marie

See: Whiteley, Opal Stanley

De Burton, María Amparo Ruiz

See: Ruiz de Burton, María Amparo, 1832-1895

De Camp, Charles B.

De Casseres, Benjamin, 1873-1945

De Castro, Adolphe

See: Danziger, Adolphe, 1859-1959

De Champaigne, Philippe

See: Champaigne, Philippe de, 1602-1674

Deck, Amy Catherine

See: Walton, O. F., Mrs., 1849-1939

De Cleyre, Voltairine, 1866-1912

De Courcy, Dorothy

De Courcy, John

Dee, Roger

See: Aycock, Roger D., 1914-2004

Dees, Laura Stedman Gould

See: Stedman, Laura, 1881-1939

de Esque, Jean, 1879-

Defauconpret, A.-J.-B. (Auguste-Jean-Baptiste), 1767-1843

De Ford, Miriam Allen, 1888-1975

DeForest, Barry

See: Hamilton, W. J., 1843-1892

De Forest, John William, 1826-1906

De Forest, Marian, -1935

De Gaïl, François

See: Gaïl, François de, 1874-1947

De Grimm, Constantin

See: Grimm, Constantin de, 1845-1898

De Ivanowski, Sigismond

See: Ivanowski, Sigismond de, 1875-1944

Dejeans, Elizabeth, 1873-1928

DeKy, Thornton

Deland, Margaret Wade Campbell, 1857-1945

Delano, Edith Barnard, 1874-1946

Delany, Samuel R., 1942-

De Lautrec, Gabriel

See: Lautrec, Gabriel de, 1867-1938

De La Vergne, George Harrison, 1868-

De Lay, H. S. (Harold Saylor), 1876-1950

Del Campo, Henry

See: Campo, Henry del, 1899-1961

Dell, Floyd, 1887-1969

De Loach, R. J. H. (Robert John Henderson), 1873-

Del Rey, Lester, 1915-1993

Delving, Michael

See: Williams, Jay, 1914-1978

De Maris, Walter

Dember, Sol, 1922-2011

Dembry, R. Emmett

See: Craddock, Charles Egbert, 1850-1922

De Mille, James, 1833-1880

Deming, Edwin Willard, 1860-1942

Dempsey, Henry Maxwell

See: Harrison, Harry, 1925-2012

Demuth, Charles, 1883-1935

Denison, Thomas S. (Thomas Stewart), 1848-1911

Dennis, Morgan, 1891-1960

Dent, John Charles, 1841-1888

De Pauw

dePina, Albert, -1957

De Quélin, René Theophile

See: Quélin, René Theophile de, 1853-1932

Dérèmeaux, Irma

Derieux, Samuel A. (Samuel Arthur), 1881-1922

Derleth, August, 1909-1971

Derreaux, Gaston

Derveer, Lettie Cook Van

See: Van Derveer, Lettie Cook

Dery, Desiderius George, 1867-

De Teresa, Ysabel

De Thulstrup, Thure

See: Thulstrup, Thure de, 1848-1930

Deventer, Emma Murdoch van

See: Lynch, Lawrence L.

Devereux, Mary, -1914

De Vet, Charles V., 1911-1997

De Vine, Alice L.

Dewey, Alfred James, 1874-1958

Dewey, Byrd Spilman, 1856-

  • Bruno (English) (as Author)

Dewey, Frederick H.

Dewey, G. Gordon, 1916-

Dewey, Melvil, 1851-1931

De Wolfe Fenwick, Frances

See: Williams, Frances Fenwick, 1878-

Dexter, Wilson C.

Dey, Frederic Van Rensselaer

See: Clay, Bertha M., 1865-1922

Dhan Gopal Mukerji

See: Mukerji, Dhan Gopal, 1890-1936

Dhu, Oscar

See: Mackay, Angus, 1864-1923

Dibley, Don

See: Sibley, Don

Dick, Alexander

Dickey, Paul, 1885-1933

Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth), 1842-1932

Dickinson, Asa Don, 1876-1960

Dickinson, Emily, 1830-1886

Dick, Philip K., 1928-1982

Dickson, Emma Wells

See: Eveleth, Stanford

Dickson, Gordon R., 1923-2001

Dickson, Harris, 1868-1946


Dieudonné, Florence Carpenter, 1850-1927

Diffin, Charles Willard, 1884-1966

Dilley, Edgar M. (Edgar Meck), 1874-1960

Dillingham, Emma Louise Smith, 1844-1920

Dillon, Diane, 1933-

Dillon, Leo, 1933-2012

Dillon, Mary (Mary C. Johnson)

Dimond, Elizabeth, Mrs.


See: Darling, Jay N. (Jay Norwood), 1876-1962

Dirk, Jan

Disch, Thomas M., 1940-2008

Ditzler, Ch. W.

See: Weber-Ditzler, Charlotte, 1877-1958

Dix, Beulah Marie, 1876-1970

Dix, Irving Sidney, 1880-1948

Dixon, Frederick A. (Frederick Augustus), 1843-1919

Dixon, Maynard, 1875-1946

Dixon, Thomas, Jr., 1864-1946

D. L. L.

See: Lamarca, Luis


See: Rankin, Hugh, 1878-1956

Dobie, Charles Caldwell, 1881-1943

Dobie, J. Frank (James Frank), 1888-1964

Dobosi-Pécsi, Mária, 1885-

Docktor, Irv, 1918-2008

Dockweiler, Joseph Harold

See: Wylie, Dirk, 1920-1949

Doctorow, Cory, 1971-

Dodd, Lee Wilson, 1879-1933

Dodge, Fremont

Dodge, Henry Irving, 1861-1934

Dodge, Louis, 1870-1952

Dodge, Mary Abigail

See: Hamilton, Gail, 1833-1896

Dodge, W. L.

Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge

See: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898

Doede, Bill

See: Doede, William R., 1918-

Doede, William R., 1918-

Doesticks, Q. K. Philander, 1831-1875

Doggerel, Samuel

See: Harlow, Lewis D. (Lewis Davis), 1818-1895


Dold, Elliott, 1889-1957

Dole, Edmund P. (Edmund Pearson), 1850-1928

Dole, Nathan Haskell, 1852-1935

Dolgov, Boris


Donahey, J. H. (James Harrison), 1875-1949

Doneghy, George W.


Dongen, H. R. Van

See: Van Dongen, H. R., 1920-2010

Donkey, John

See: English, Thomas Dunn, 1819-1902

Donnell, Annie Hamilton, 1862-1943

Donnelly, Eleanor C. (Eleanor Cecilia), 1838-1917

Donnelly, Ignatius, 1831-1901

Donnelly, Lucy Martin

Donnelson, Allyn

Donovan, Francis

Donovan, Laurence, 1885-1948

Donovan, Peter, 1884-

Doolin, Joseph, 1896-1967

Doolittle, Hilda

See: H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), 1886-1961

Doran, Dr. (John), 1807-1878

Doré, Gustave, 1832-1883

Doremus, Hal

Doren, Carl Van

See: Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950

Doren, Mark van

See: Van Doren, Mark, 1894-1972

Dorgan, Dick, 1892-1953

D'Orléans, Françoise

See: Whiteley, Opal Stanley

Dorman, Sonya, 1924-2005

Dorrance, E. S. (Ethel Smith), 1880-

Dorrance, James French, 1879-1961

Dorr, Julia C. R. (Caroline Ripley), 1825-1913

  • Poems (English) (as Author)

Dorsey, Anna Hanson, 1815-1896

Dorsey, Anna Vernon

See: Williams, Anna Vernon Dorsey

Doseff, Ivan, 1884-1973

Dos Passos, John, 1896-1970

Dost, Zamin Ki

See: Zamin Ki Dost, 1866-1947

Doten, Lizzie, 1827-1913

Doubleday, Roman

See: Long, Lily A. (Lily Augusta), 1862-1927

Dougall, L. (Lily), 1858-1923

Doughty, Francis Worcester, 1850-1917


Douglas, Amanda M., 1831-1916

Douglas, Hudson

See: Aitken, Robert, 1872-1929

Douglas, Jack

Douie, Marjorie

Dounce, Harry Esty, 1889-

Dowling, Colista Murray, 1881-1968

Downing, Jack

See: Smith, Seba, 1792-1868

Downs, George Sheldon, Mrs., 1843-1926

Downs, Sarah Elizabeth Forbush

See: Sheldon, Georgie, Mrs., 1843-1926

Doyle, C. W. (Charles William), 1852-1903

Doyle, Edward, 1854-

Doyle, J. E. P. (John Edward Parker)

Drachman, Bernard, 1861-1945

Drago, Harry Sinclair, 1888-1979

Drake, Jane Ludlow

See: Abbott, Jane, 1881-1968

Drake, Joseph Rodman, 1795-1820

Drake, Robert L.

See: Hayes, Clair W. (Clair Wallace), 1887-

Drakhman, Dov

See: Drachman, Bernard, 1861-1945

Draper, John William, 1893-

  • Poems (English) (as Author)

Dreany, E. Joseph, 1908-1961

Dreiser, Theodore, 1871-1945

Dresser, William Van

See: Van Dresser, William, 1871-1950

Drevenstedt, Amy

Drexel, Jay B.

See: Bixby, Jerome, 1923-1998

Dreyfus, Rita

Driggs, Howard R. (Howard Roscoe), 1873-1963

Drinkwater, Jennie M.

See: Conklin, Nathaniel, Mrs., 1841-1900


See: Bridges, Robert, 1858-1941

Drummond, Hamilton, 1857-1935

Drummond, William Henry, 1854-1907

Drussai, Garen, 1916-2009

Drussai, Kirk, 1919-1991

Dryfoos, Dave, 1915-2003

Drysdale, William, 1852-1901

Dubh, Scian, 1815-1896

Du Bois, L.

Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963

Duer, Alice

See: Miller, Alice Duer, 1874-1942

Duer, Douglas, 1887-1964

Duffield, Elizabeth M.

Duff, J. L.

Dulac, Edmund, 1882-1953

Dumont, Frank, 1848-1919

Dun, Angus

Dunbar-Nelson, Alice Moore, 1875-1935

Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906

Duncan, David, 1913-1999

Duncan, Norman, 1871-1916

Duncan, Sara Jeannette, 1861-1922

Duncan, Walter Jack, 1881-1941

Dunford, Susa Young

See: Gates, Susa Young, 1856-1933

Dunham, Curtis

Dunham, Jerry

Dunlap, William, 1766-1839

  • André (English) (as Author)

Dunn, Elsie

See: Scott, Evelyn, 1893-1963

Dunn, Harvey, 1884-1952

Dunning, Hal, 1880-1931

Dunn, J. Allan, (Joseph Allan), 1872-1941

Dunn, Jonathan

Dunsany, Lord, 1878-1957

Dunton, James G. (James Gerald), 1899-

Dunton, Larkin, 1828-1899

Dunton, W. Herbert, 1878-1936

DuPuy, William Atherton, 1876-1941

Durand, Lucinda

See: Sawyer, Ruth, 1880-1970

Durant, Charles

Durfee, Job, 1790-1847

Durfee, Thomas, 1826-1901

Durham, Robert Lee, 1870-1949

Durivage, Francis A. (Francis Alexander), 1814-1881

Durkin, Douglas, 1884-1967

Durkin, Martha Ostenso

See: Ostenso, Martha, 1900-1963

Dutton, Charles J. (Charles Judson), 1888-1964

Dutton, Louise Elizabeth

Dwiggins, Clare Victor, 1874-1958

Dwiggins, Tod

Dwiggins, W. A. (William Addison), 1880-1956

Dwight, H. G. (Harrison Griswold), 1875-1959


Dye, Charles

See: MacLean, Katherine, 1925-

Dye, Charles, 1925-1960

Dye, Eva Emery, 1855-1947

Dyer, Walter A. (Walter Alden), 1878-1943

Dyer, W. B. (William Buckingham)

Dyke, Henry Van

See: Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933

Earle, Alice Morse, 1851-1911

Earley, A.

Earlie, M. A. (May Agnes)

See: Fleming, May Agnes, 1840-1880

Earls, Michael, 1873-1937

Eastman, Charles A., 1858-1939

Eastman, Edwin

Eastman, Mary H. (Mary Henderson), 1818-1887

Eastman, Max, 1883-1969

Eastwood, Frances

Eaton, Edith

See: Sui Sin Far, 1865-1914

Eaton, Walter Prichard, 1878-1957

Eaton, Winnifred

See: Watanna, Onoto, 1875-1954

Eayrs, Hugh S. (Hugh Sterling), 1894-1940

Ebel, Alex, 1932-2013

Eberle, Joseph, 1926-2006

Eddy, Ann Elizabeth

See: Adolph, Anna, 1841-1917

Eddy, Henry S., 1878-1944

Eddy, Mary Baker, 1821-1910

  • Poems (English) (as Author)

Edgar, William C. (William Crowell), 1856-1932

Edison, Thomas A. (Thomas Alva), 1847-1931

Edison Vaudeville Company

Edmondson, G. C., 1922-1995

Edrich, George

Edwards, Al

See: Nourse, Alan Edward, 1928-1992

Edwards, Albert, 1879-1929

Edwards, Bill, 1918-1999

Edwards, David W. (David William), 1849-

Edwards, Edward

Edwards, George Wharton, 1859-1950

Edwards, G. H. (George Henry)

Edwards, Harry Stillwell, 1855-1938

Edwards, H. C. (Harry C.), 1868-1922

Edwards, John Milton

See: Cook, William Wallace, 1867-1933

Edwards, Julia, 1851-1924

Edwards, Robert, 1879-1948

Effingham, C.

See: Cooke, John Esten, 1830-1886

Effron, H. Sanford

Egan, Jack, 1945-

Egbert, H. M., 1879-1960

Ege, Arvia MacKaye, 1902-1989

Eggleston, Allegra

Eggleston, Edward, 1837-1902

Eggleston, George Cary, 1839-1911

Eight Bears

See: Deming, Edwin Willard, 1860-1942

Einstein, Charles, 1926-2007

Eisenberg, Larry, 1919-2018

Eisner, Simon

See: Kornbluth, C. M. (Cyril M.), 1923-1958

Elam, Richard M. (Richard Mace), 1920-2013

Elberts, G. W. (Gerardina Wilhelmina), 1868-1945

Elbertus, Fra

See: Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915

Eldridge, Edward

Eldridge, George Dyre, 1848-1928

Elgard, Jim

See: Kjelgaard, Jim, 1910-1959

Elias, Lee, 1920-1998

Eliot, Charles William, 1834-1926

Eliot, Ethel Cook, 1890-1972

Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965

Elivas, Knarf

See: Savile, Frank (Frank Mackenzie)

Elkan, Max, 1918-2000

Ella, Aunt

See: Blanchard, Amy Ella, 1856-1926

Ellanby, Boyd

Ellenbecker, John G., 1867-

Ellenger, Esther Parker

See: Ellinger, Esther Parker, 1893-1943

Ellerbe, Alma, 1871-

Ellerbe, Paul

Ellerman, Gene

See: Wells, Basil, 1912-2003

Ellet, E. F. (Elizabeth Fries), 1818-1877

Ellinger, Esther Parker, 1893-1943

Elliott, Bruce, 1914-1973

Elliott, Elizabeth Shippen Green, 1871-1954

Elliott, Everett

Elliott, Francis Perry, 1861-1924

Elliott, John, 1859-1925

Elliott, Maud Howe, 1854-1948

Elliott, William

See: Bradbury, Ray, 1920-2012

Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916

Ellis, James Tandy, 1868-1942

Ellis, J. Breckenridge (John Breckenridge), 1870-1956

  • Fran (English) (as Author)
  • Lahoma (English) (as Author)

Ellis, Mike

Ellison, Harlan, 1934-2018

Ellwanger, George H. (George Herman), 1848-1906


See: Handford, Thomas W.

Elrod, Winifred D.

Elson, William H. (William Harris), 1856-1935

Ely, David, 1927-

Emanuel, Victor Rousseau

See: Egbert, H. M., 1879-1960

Emerine J. Hamilton Reading Room

See: Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County

Emerson, Chase

Emerson, Edward Waldo, 1844-1930

Emerson, Edwin

See: Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916

Emerson, John, Mrs.

See: Loos, Anita, 1893-1981

Emerson, N. S. (Nannette Snow), 1840-1884

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882

Emerson, Willis George, 1856-1918

Empey, Arthur Guy, 1883-1963


See: Emshwiller, Ed, 1925-1990

Emshwiller, Ed, 1925-1990

Enault, Louis, 1824-1900

Endell, Fritz August Gottfried, 1873-1955

Endersby, Victor A., 1891-1988

Endicott, Ruth Belmore


See: Emerson, N. S. (Nannette Snow), 1840-1884

Enferd, Knut

Engel, Robert V.

See: Engle, Robert, 1928-

England, George Allan, 1877-1936

Engle, Robert, 1928-

English, Thomas Dunn, 1819-1902

Enkvist, Hertta, 1893-1962

Enright, Maginel Wright

See: Barney, Maginel Wright, 1877-1966

Eppinghoven, Ursula, Gräfin von

See: Fischer, Henry W. (Henry William), 1856-1932

Epuy, Michel, 1876-1943

Ericsson, Volter

See: Kilpi, Volter, 1874-1939

Ernst, Paul, 1899-1985

Eron, Dan

Erskine, Payne, 1854-1924

Ertz, Susan, 1894-1985

Eshbach, Lloyd Arthur, 1910-2003

Estabrook, Alma Martin

See: Ellerbe, Alma, 1871-

Etten, Gerard Van

Ettinger, R. C. W. (Robert C. W.), 1918-2011

Etzel, Gisela, 1880-1918

Etzel, Theodor, 1873-1930

Eugene, Maurice

Euwer, Anthony, 1877-1955

Evans, Augusta J. (Augusta Jane), 1835-1909

Evans, David

Evans, Dean

Evans, Donald, 1884-1921

Evans, E. Everett (Edward Everett), 1893-1958

Evans, Larry, -1925

Evans, Thelma Hamm

See: Hamm, T. D., 1905-1994

Evarts, Hal G. (Hal George), 1887-1934

Eveleth, Stanford

Everett, Walter H., 1880-1946

Ewell, Martha Lewis Beckwith, 1841-1902

Ewers, Hanns Heinz, 1871-1943

Eyerman, John

Eyster, William R. (William Reynolds), 1841-1918

Fabian, Warner

See: Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 1871-1958

Fahy, Patrick

Fairbanks, Charles Bullard, 1827-1859

Fairfield, Abbie H.

Fairfield, Cecily Isabel

See: West, Rebecca, 1892-1983

Fairfield, G. G. (Genevieve Genevra), 1832-

Fairman, Paul W., 1909-1977

Falconbridge, 1818-1854

Falkner, William C. (Clark), 1825-1889

Falls, C. B. (Charles Buckles), 1874-1960

Fang, Irving E., 1929-2016

Fargus, Frederick John

See: Conway, Hugh, 1847-1885

Farley, Ralph Milne, 1887-1963

Farmer, Philip José, 1918-2009

Farnham, Bob

Far Off White Robe

See: Schultz, James Willard, 1859-1947

Farquhar, Franklin Smith, 1865-

Farquharson, Martha

See: Finley, Martha, 1828-1909

Farrell, Henry, 1920-2006

Farrell, John Wade

See: MacDonald, John D. (John Dann), 1916-1986

Farrell, Joseph

Farris, Herbert

Farr, Julia

Farro, Sarah E., 1859-

Farrow, W. M.

Far, Sui Sin

See: Sui Sin Far, 1865-1914

Farwell, Arthur, 1872-1952

Father Ryan

See: Ryan, Abram Joseph, 1839-1886

Fauconpret, C. (Auguste-Jean-Baptiste)

See: Defauconpret, A.-J.-B. (Auguste-Jean-Baptiste), 1767-1843

Fauley, Wilbur Finley, 1872-1942

Faulkner, Dorothea M.

See: Magill, Rory

Faust, Frederick Schiller

See: Brand, Max, 1892-1944

Faversham, Julie Opp

See: Opp, Julie, 1871-1921

Fawcett, Edgar, 1847-1904

Fawcette, Gene, 1920?-1988

Fawley, Wilbur

See: Fauley, Wilbur Finley, 1872-1942

Fay, Heman, Jr.

Fearing, Vern

Fea, Samuel, 1872-1943

Fee, Mary H. (Mary Helen)

Fehrenbach, T. R., 1925-

Feldman, Arthur

Fellom, James

Fellows, Annie

See: Johnston, Annie F. (Annie Fellows), 1863-1931

Fennel, Erik

Fenn, Harry, 1845-1911

Fenollosa, Ernest, 1853-1908

Fenollosa, Mary McNeil, -1954

Fenwick, Frances de Wolfe

See: Williams, Frances Fenwick, 1878-

Ferber, Edna, 1885-1968

Ferguson, J. A.

Ferguson, Kate Lee, 1841-1928

Ferguson, W. B. M. (William Blair Morton), 1882-1967

Fergusson, Harvey, 1890-1971

Ferlaine, J. Anthony

Ferman, Harry, 1906-1973

Fern, Fanny, 1811-1872

Ferrat, Jacques Jean

See: Merwin, Sam, 1910-1996

Ferris, Benjamin

Ferus, P. Sibleius

See: Wild, Payson Sibley, 1869-1951

Fessenden, Laura Dayton

Fessenden, Thomas Green, 1771-1837

Fetler, Andrew, 1925-2017

Fever, Buck

See: Anderson, Sherwood, 1876-1941

Ficke, Arthur Davison, 1883-1945

Field, Charles K. (Charles Kellogg), 1873-

Field, Chester

Field, Eugene, 1850-1895

Field, Gans T.

See: Wellman, Manly Wade, 1903-1986

Field, George Blackstone, 1883-1952

Field, Margret

Field, Roswell Martin, 1851-1919

Field, Salisbury, 1878-1936

Fields, Annie, 1834-1915

Field, Temple

See: Whitfield, Raoul, 1897-1945

Filleau, E. A.

Fillmore, Parker, 1878-1944

Filsinger, Sara

See: Teasdale, Sara, 1884-1933

Finch Kelly, Florence

See: Kelly, Florence Finch, 1858-1939

Finch, Lucine, 1875?-1947

Findlater, Jane Helen, 1866-1946

Findlater, Mary, 1865-1963

Finger, Charles Joseph, 1869-1941

Finlay, Virgil, 1914-1971

Finley Fauley, Wilbur

See: Fauley, Wilbur Finley, 1872-1942

Finley, Martha, 1828-1909

Finnemore, Joseph, 1860-1939

Finney, Marian MacLean

Firkins, Oscar W., 1864-1932

Fischer, Anton Otto, 1882-1962

Fischer, Henry W. (Henry William), 1856-1932

Fisher, Blanche Proctor

Fisher, David E., 1932-

Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 1879-1958

Fisher, Frances

See: Reid, Christian, 1846-1920

Fisher, Frederick Vining, 1866-

Fisher, Harrison, 1875-1934

Fisher, Sophie

Fisher, Vardis, 1895-1968

Fisher, William, 1890-1985

Fitch, Anna M. (Anna Mariska), 1840-1904

Fitch, Clarke

See: Sinclair, Upton, 1878-1968

Fitch, Clyde, 1865-1909

Fitch, George, 1877-1915

Fitch, Lucy

See: Perkins, Lucy Fitch, 1865-1937

Fitch, Thomas, 1838-1923

Fitts, Clara Atwood

See: Atwood, Clara E., 1874-1963

Fitzgerald, F. Scott (Francis Scott), 1896-1940

Fitzgerald, Hugh

See: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919

Fitzgerald, Michael, 1859-1925

Fitzgerald, Robert

Fitzgerald, William

See: Leinster, Murray, 1896-1975

FitzPatrick, R. C.

Flæten, O.

Flagg, Edmund, 1815-1890

Flagg, Francis

See: Weiss, George Henry, 1898-1946

Flagg, James Montgomery, 1877-1960

Flanagan, T. J.

Flandrau, Charles Macomb, 1871-1938

Flebbe, Beulah Dix

See: Dix, Beulah Marie, 1876-1970

Fleming, George, 1858-1938

Fleming, May Agnes, 1840-1880

Fleming, Stuart

See: Knight, Damon, 1922-2002

Fletcher, John Gould, 1886-1950

Fletcher, Julia Constance

See: Fleming, George, 1858-1938

Fletcher, Samuel

Flint, Homer Eon, 1888-1924

Flory, Julia McCune, 1882-1971

Flower, B. O. (Benjamin Orange), 1858-1918

Flower, Elliott, 1863-1920

Floyd, Silas Xavier, 1869-1923

Flynn, William J. (William James), 1867-1928

Fogarty, Thomas, 1873-1938

Fogg, Lawrence Daniel

Fogowitz, Andrea H., 1858-1909

Foley, James W. (James William), 1874-1939

Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot, 1787-1860

Fontenay, Charles L., 1917-2007

Foote, John Taintor, 1881-1950

Foote, Mary Hallock, 1847-1938

Footner, Hulbert, 1879-1944

Foray, Verge

See: Myers, Howard L., 1930-1971

Forbes, Alexander, 1882-1965

Forbes, John Maxwell

Forbes-Lindsay, C. H., 1860-

Forbes-Robertson, Beatrice

See: Hale, Beatrice Forbes-Robertson, 1883-1967

Forbush, Sarah Elizabeth

See: Downs, George Sheldon, Mrs., 1843-1926

Forbush, Zebina

Ford, Miriam Allen de

See: De Ford, Miriam Allen, 1888-1975

Ford, Paul Leicester, 1865-1902

Ford, Sewell, 1868-1946

Ford, Webster

See: Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950

Forester, Frank

See: Ballou, Maturin M. (Maturin Murray), 1820-1895

Forest, Frederick

Forestier, A. (Amédée), 1854-1930

Forest, John William de

See: De Forest, John William, 1826-1906

Forman, Henry James, 1879-1966

Forman, Justus Miles, 1875-1915

Forrester, Arthur M., 1850-1895

Forrest, James T. (James Taylor), 1921-

Forsslund, Louise, 1873-1910

Forsyth, G. A.

Forsyth, Jean

See: McIlwraith, Jean N. (Jean Newton), 1859-1938

Forte, John R. (John Robert), 1918-1966

Fort Wayne (Ind.). Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County

See: Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County

Fosbery, E., 1874-1960

Fosdick, Charles Austin

See: Castlemon, Harry, 1842-1915

Foster, Frances Smith

Foster, Hannah Webster, 1759-1840

Foster, Mary Louise

See: Forsslund, Louise, 1873-1910

Foster, Maximilian, 1872-1943

Foster, Richard

See: Crossen, Kendell Foster, 1910-1981

Foster, W. Bert (Walter Bertram), 1869-1929

Foster, Will, 1882-1953

Foster, William Trufant, 1879-1950

Foudji, Gazo, 1853-1916

Fox, David

See: Ostrander, Isabel, 1883-1924

Fox, Fontaine, 1884-1964

Fox, Frances Barton, 1887-

Fox, Gardner F. (Gardner Francis), 1911-1986

Fox, John, Jr., 1862-1919

Fox, Matt, 1906-1988

Francisco, Sellén

Francis, Dick

Francis, John, 1875-

Francis, Lydia Maria

See: Child, Lydia Maria, 1802-1880

Francis, R. D.

Francis, Samuel W. (Samuel Ward), 1835-1886

Francis, V. R.

Francoeur, Jazno

Francoeur, Robert L.

Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790

Franklin, Edgar, 1879-1958

Franklin, Jay, 1897-1967

Franklyn, Irwin R.

Frank, Waldo David, 1889-1967

Fraser, Hugh, Mrs., 1851-1922

Fraser, Malcolm, 1868-1949

Fraser, Thurlow

Fraser, William Alexander, 1859-1933

Frazer, C. A. (Caroline Augusta)

Frazetta, Frank, 1928-2010

Frazier, Kenneth, 1867-1949

Freas, Kelly, 1922-2005

Fréchette, Louis Honoré, 1839-1908

Frederic, Harold, 1856-1898

Frederick, Edmund, 1870-1949

Frederick, John

See: Brand, Max, 1892-1944

Fredericks, Alfred, -1926

Fredericks, Arnold

See: Kummer, Frederic Arnold, 1873-1943

Freeley, Mary Belle

Freeman, Frank

Freeman, Lewis R. (Lewis Ransome), 1878-1960

Freeman, Mary Eleanor Wilkins, 1852-1930

French, Alice

See: Thanet, Octave, 1850-1934

French, Allen, 1870-1946

French, Anne Warner

See: Warner, Anne, 1869-1913

French, Charles Sheldon

French, Donald G., 1873-1945

French, Nora May, 1881-1907

  • Poems (English) (as Author)

Freneau, Philip Morin, 1752-1832

Freud, Edward L. Bernays

See: Bernays, Edward L., 1891-1995

Friberg, Maikki, 1861-1927

Friedman, Bruce Jay, 1930-2020

  • Stern (English) (as Author)

Friel, Arthur O. (Arthur Olney), 1885-1959

Frink, Almira Louisa Corey, Mrs.

Frink, Olive Bacon

Fritch, Charles E., 1927-2012

Fritz, H. E.

Frohn, John C.

Frost, A. B. (Arthur Burdett), 1851-1928

Frosterus, Teodor Oskar

See: Pakkala, Teuvo, 1862-1925

Frost, Lesley, 1899-1983

Frost, Robert, 1874-1963

Frueh, Alfred Joseph, 1880-1968

Frye, James A. (James Albert), 1863-1933

Fry, Lena Jane

Fry, W. H.

Ft. Wayne Public Library

See: Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County

Fuhr, E. (Ernest), 1874-1933

Führer, Ch. (Charlotte), 1834-1907

Fuller, Alvarado M. (Alvarado Mortimer), 1851-1924

Fuller, Anna, 1853-1916

Fuller, Arthur B. (Arthur Buckminster), 1822-1862

Fuller, Arthur D. (Arthur Davenport), 1889-1966

Fuller, Edwin W. (Edwin Wiley), 1847-1876

Fuller, Hamilton Brock

Fuller, Henry Blake, 1857-1929

Fuller, Mabel Louise

See: Blodgett, Mabel Fuller, 1869-1959

Fuller, Margaret, 1810-1850

Fuller, Maud

See: Petersham, Maud, 1890-1971

Fuller, Metta Victoria

See: Victor, Metta Victoria Fuller, 1831-1885

Fuller, Robert H. (Robert Higginson), 1865-1927

Fulton, David Bryant

See: Thorne, Jack, 1863-

Fuqua, Robert, 1905-1959

Furman, Harry

See: Ferman, Harry, 1906-1973

Furman, Lucy S., 1869-1958

Furst, Clyde, 1873-1931

Furth, Carlton

See: Gibson, Joe

Futrelle, Jacques, 1875-1912

Fyfe, H. B. (Horace Bowne), 1918-1997

Fyles, Franklin, 1847-1911

Gage, George W., 1887-1957

Gaïl, François de, 1874-1947

Galaxan, Sol

See: Coppel, Alfred, 1921-2004

Gale, Floyd C., 1918-1997

Gale, Rachel Baker, 1858-1923

Gale, Zona, 1874-1938

Gallagher, Sears, 1869-1955

Gallienne, Richard Le

See: Le Gallienne, Richard, 1866-1947

Gallizier, Nathan, 1866-1927

Gallun, Raymond Z., 1911-1994

Galouye, Daniel F., 1920-1976

Galsworthy, John, 1867-1933

Gambrill, J. Montgomery (John Montgomery), 1880-1953

Ganes, Mark

Garby, Lee Hawkins, 1892-1953

García Sarmiento, Félix Rubén

See: Darío, Rubén, 1867-1916

Gardener, Helen H. (Helen Hamilton), 1853-1925

Gardiner, A. Paul

Gardiner, Thomas S.

Gardner, Ethellyn

Gardner, Sarah M. H.

Gardner-Soper, James Hamlin

See: Soper, James Hamlin Gardner, 1877-1939

Gardner, Walter

See: Elliott, Bruce, 1914-1973

Garis, Howard Roger, 1873-1962

Garis, Lilian, 1873-1954

Garland, Hamlin, 1860-1940

Garnett, Mayn Clew

See: Hains, T. Jenkins (Thornton Jenkins), 1866-1953

Garnett, Reuben Brodie

Garrett, Edmund H. (Edmund Henry), 1853-1929

Garrett, Erwin Clarkson, 1879-1954

Garrett, Garet, 1878-1954

Garrett, Randall, 1927-1987

Garrison, Adele, 1873-1956?

Garrison, Frederick

See: Sinclair, Upton, 1878-1968

Garrison, Theodosia Pickering, 1874-1944

Garson, Bill, 1917-2000

Garson, Clee

Garson, Vaseleos

See: Garson, Bill, 1917-2000

Garvin, Amelia Beers Warnock

See: Hale, Katherine, 1878-1956

Gates, Eleanor, 1875-1951

Gates, Susa Young, 1856-1933

Gatlin, Dana, 1884-1940

  • Missy (English) (as Author)

Gaughan, Jack, 1930-1985

Gaul, Avery

See: Gaul, Harriet A. (Harriet Avery), 1886-1972

Gaul, Gilbert William, 1855-1919

Gaul, Harriet A. (Harriet Avery), 1886-1972

Gaul, Harvey B., Mrs.

See: Gaul, Harriet A. (Harriet Avery), 1886-1972

Gault, William Campbell, 1910-1995

Gay, Robert M. (Robert Malcolm), 1879-1961

Gazo, Fuji

See: Foudji, Gazo, 1853-1916

Geier, Chester S., 1921-1990

Genand, J. A. (Joseph Auguste), 1839-

Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942

Geovanes, Basilios

See: Garson, Bill, 1917-2000

Gerard, Louise, 1878-1970

Gerberding, Elizabeth, 1857-1902

Gerken, William

Gernsback, Hugo, 1884-1967

Gerould, Katharine Fullerton, 1879-1944

Gerry, Margarita Spalding, 1870-1939

Gerstenberg, Alice, 1885-1972

Gibbons, Louise Élise

Gibbs, George, 1870-1942

Gibran, Kahlil, 1883-1931

Gibson, Charles Dana, 1867-1944

Gibson, Joe

Gibson, W. Hamilton (William Hamilton), 1850-1896

Giesy, J. U. (John Ulrich), 1877-1947

Gifford, Fannie Stearns

See: Davis, Fannie Stearns, 1884-

Giguere, George

Gilbert, C. Allan

Gilbert, Joseph

Gilbert, Robert E., 1924-1993

Gilbert, W. B., active 1902

Gilchrist, Anne (Anne Burrows), 1828-1885

Gilchrist, Rosetta Luce, 1850-1921

Gilder, Jeannette L. (Jeannette Leonard), 1849-1916

Gilder, Joseph Benson, 1858-1936

Gilgannon, Daniel R.

Gillette, William, 1853-1937

Gillington, May Clarissa

See: Byron, May, 1861-1936

Gillmore, Inez Haynes, 1873-1970

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 1860-1935

Gilman, Robert Cham

See: Coppel, Alfred, 1921-2004

Gilman, Wenona

Gilmore, Anthony

Gilmore, James R. (James Roberts), 1822-1903

Gilmore, Marion Forster, 1887-

Gilmour, A. A. O.

Gilson, Roy Rolfe, 1875-1933

Giltner, Leigh Gordon, 1875-

Gimble, Stanley

Gimbrede, Joseph Napoleon, 1820-

Girard, Gilbert, 1868?-

Girvin, James W. (James Walter), 1844-1906

Giunta, Aldo

Giunta, John, 1920-1970

Glackens, William J., 1870-1938

Glad, Victoria

Glanckoff, S.

See: Glankoff, Sam, 1894-1982

Glankoff, Sam, 1894-1982

Glasgow, Ellen Anderson Gholson, 1873-1945

Glaspell, Susan, 1882?-1948

Glass, Charles Wilder, Mrs., 1874-

Glasser, Allen, 1908-1971

Glass, Montague, 1877-1934

Glass, Nancy Rebecca Campbell, 1842-

Gleason, J. Duncan (Joe Duncan), 1881-1959

G., L. E. (Lucy Ellen Guernsey)

See: Guernsey, Lucy Ellen, 1826-1899

Glenwood, Ida, 1829-1894

Glover, Mary Baker

See: Eddy, Mary Baker, 1821-1910

Gluck, Sinclair, 1887-1956

Goble, Neil

Goddard, Charles, 1879-1951

Godfrey, Hollis, 1874-1936

Godfrey, Thomas, 1736-1763

Godwin, Tom, 1915-1980

Goff, George Paul

Goff, H. N. K. (Harriet Newell Kneeland), 1828-

Gogh-Kaulbach, Anna van, 1869-1960

Gogos, Basil, 1929-2017

Goldbeck, Walter Dean, 1882-1925

Gold, Floyd Clifford

See: Gale, Floyd C., 1918-1997

Gold, H. L. (Horace Leonard), 1914-1996

Goldsborough, Edmund K., 1844?-1912

Goldsmith, Milton, 1861-1957

Goldsmith, Wallace, 1873-1945

Goldstein, Evelyn

Gonzalez, Ambrose Elliott, 1857-1926

Goodale, Earl

Goodloe, Abbe Carter, 1874-1960


Goodman, Edward, 1888-1962

Goodman, Kenneth Sawyer, 1883-1918

Goodrich, Clifford

See: Donovan, Laurence, 1885-1948

Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold), 1793-1860

Goodridge Roberts, Theodore

See: Roberts, Theodore Goodridge, 1877-1953

Goodspeed, Edgar J. (Edgar Johnson), 1871-1962

Goodwin, C. C. (Charles Carroll), 1832-1917

Goodwin, Jane

See: Austin, Jane G. (Jane Goodwin), 1831-1894

Goodwin, Maud Wilder, 1856-1935

Goodwin, Philip R., 1881-1935

Goodwin, Wilder

Goose, Mary Susan

See: Bonnell, M. A.


See: Jarvis, W. H. P. (William Henry Pope), 1876-1944

Gordon, Charles William

See: Connor, Ralph, 1860-1937

Gordon, Elizabeth, 1866-1922

Gordon, Hanford Lennox, 1836-1920

Gordon, Irwin Leslie, 1888-1954

Gordon, Millard Verne

See: Wollheim, Donald A., 1914-1990

Gordon, Nathaniel

Gorman, Terry

See: Powers, Richard M., 1921-1996

Gorton, Cynthia M. Roberts

See: Glenwood, Ida, 1829-1894

Goss, Charles Frederic, 1852-1930

Gosse, Edmund, 1849-1928

Goss, John, 1886-1963

Goulart, Ron, 1933-2022

Gould, Elizabeth Porter, 1848-1906

Gould, George M. (George Milbrey), 1848-1922

Gould, Hannah Flagg, 1789-1865

Gould, Jeanie T. (Jeanie Thomas)

See: Lincoln, Jeanie Gould, 1846-1921

Gould, J. J. (Joseph J.), 1880-1935

Gould, Laura Stedman

See: Stedman, Laura, 1881-1939

Gould, Mona, 1908-1999

Gouraud, Aimée Crocker, 1864-1941

Gowen, Vincent H. (Vincent Herbert), 1893-1984

Gowing, Louis D.

Graber, Edwin L.

Graef, Robert A., 1879-1951

Grafton, Garth

See: Duncan, Sara Jeannette, 1861-1922

Graham, C., 1852-1911

Graham, John

See: Phillips, David Graham, 1867-1911

Graham, Margaret Collier, 1850-1910

Graham, Roger Phillips

See: Phillips, Rog, 1909-1965

Graham, Tom

See: Lewis, Sinclair, 1885-1951

Granger, Darius John

See: Marlowe, Stephen, 1928-2008

Granniss, Anna J. (Anna Jane), 1856-

Grant, A. F.

See: Harbaugh, T. C. (Thomas Chalmers), 1849-1924

Grant, Douglas

See: Ostrander, Isabel, 1883-1924

Grant, Ethel Watts Mumford, 1878-1940

Grant, Gordon, 1875-1962

Grant, James Miller

See: Balfour, Grant, 1853-1940

Grant, Robert, 1852-1940

Gratacap, L. P. (Louis Pope), 1851-1917

Grattan, Will H.

Graul, Rosa

Graves, George E.

Graves, Ralph, 1900-1977



Gray, Annie Joslyn

See: Gray, Joslyn, 1876?-

Gray, David, 1870-1968

Graydon, William Murray, 1864-1946

Gray, Elizabeth H.

Gray, Joslyn, 1876?-

Grayson, David, 1870-1946

Gray, Walter T.

See: Victor, Metta Victoria Fuller, 1831-1885

Gray, William A.

Green, Anna Katharine, 1846-1935

Greene, Homer, 1853-1940

Greene, H. P. S. (Henry Paul Stevens), 1892-1947

Green, Elizabeth Shippen

See: Elliott, Elizabeth Shippen Green, 1871-1954

Greene, Sarah Pratt McLean, 1856-1935

Greenfield, Taylor H.


See: Thompson, George, 1823-

Greening, Harry Cornell, 1876-1930?

Greenleaf, Sue

Green, Olive

See: Reed, Myrtle, 1874-1911

Greenslet, Ferris, 1875-1959

Greey, Edward, 1835-1888

Grefé, Will

Gregor, Lee

See: Rothman, Milton A., 1919-2001

Gregory, Eliot, 1854-1915

Gregory, Franklin, 1905-1985

Gregory, Jackson, 1882-1943

Gregory, Lady, 1852-1932

Grendon, Felix, 1882-1965

Grenville, Scott F.

Grey, John W.

Grey, Zane, 1872-1939

Griffin, S. B.

Griffith, Ann Warren

Griffith, Fuller

Griffith, Mary, -1846

Griffith, Mattie

See: Browne, Martha Griffith, 1828-1906

Griffith, Wilson Parks

Griggs, Sutton E. (Sutton Elbert), 1872-1933

Grigsby, Alcanoan O.

Grile, Dod

See: Bierce, Ambrose, 1842-1914?

Grimes, Millard

Grimké, Angelina Weld, 1880-1958

Grimm, Christopher

See: Gale, Floyd C., 1918-1997

Grimm, Constantin de, 1845-1898

Grimshaw, Robert, 1850-1941

Gringo, Harry

See: Wise, H. A. (Henry Augustus), 1819-1869

Grinsted, W. S.

See: Stanley, Frank C., 1868-1910

Grisewood, R. Norman (Robert Norman), 1876-1923

Grismer, Joseph Rhode, 1849-1922

Griswold, F. Burge (Frances Burge), 1826-1900

Griswold, Latta, 1876-1931

Grobe, Edwin, 1927-2015

Groesbeck, Dan Sayre, 1878-1950

Grose, Helen Mason, 1880-1971

Gross, Anna Goldmark

Grosser, E. A.

Grossman, Josephine Juliet

See: Merril, Judith, 1923-1997

Gross, Samuel Eberly, 1843-1913

Grover, Edwin Osgood, 1870-1965

Grow, Julian F.

Gruger, Frederic Rodrigo, 1871-1953

Grunwald, Charles

Gruyer, Paul, 1868-1930

Guard, Borialis

See: Ward, Nathaniel, 1578-1652

Gue, Belle Willey, 1860-

Guedalla, Philip, 1889-1944

Guernsey, Clara F. (Clara Florida), 1836-1893

Guernsey, H. W.

See: Wandrei, Howard, 1909-1956

Guernsey, Lucy Ellen, 1826-1899

Guest, Edgar A. (Edgar Albert), 1881-1959

Guglielmi, Rodolfo Pietro Filiberto

See: Valentino, Rudolph, 1895-1926

Guiney, Louise Imogen, 1861-1920

Guinta, John

See: Giunta, John, 1920-1970

Guin, Wyman, 1915-1989

Guischard, Charles

Gunn, Archie, 1863-1930

Gunnison, Charles A., 1861-1897

Gunnison, Lynn

See: Ames, Joseph Bushnell, 1878-1928

Gunn, James E., 1923-2020

Gunter, Archibald Clavering, 1847-1907

Guptill, Elizabeth F. (Elizabeth Frances), 1870-

Gurney, Eliza Paul, 1801-1881

Gustavson, Lealand, 1899-1966

Guth, Henry

Gutterman, Anne

See: Walker, Anne

Haahti, Annikki

Haapanen-Tallgren, Tyyni

See: Tuulio, Tyyni, 1892-1991

Habberton, John, 1842-1921

Hackett, Francis, 1883-1962

Hackett, Walter, 1876-1944

Hackley, Sarah Bell

Hadermann, J. R.

Hagedorn, Hermann, 1882-1964

Haggard, J. Harvey (John Harvey), 1912-2001

Haggert, W. T.

  • Lex (English) (as Author)

Hagman, Tyko, 1849-1914

Hahn, Emily, 1905-1997

Hahn, George R., 1923-1991

Hahn, Mickey

See: Hahn, Emily, 1905-1997

Hains, T. Jenkins (Thornton Jenkins), 1866-1953

Haldeman-Julius, E. (Emanuel), 1888-1951

Haldeman-Julius, Marcet, 1887-1941

  • Dust (English) (as Author)

Hale, Beatrice Forbes-Robertson, 1883-1967

Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909

Hale, J. H.

See: Nydahl, Joel

Hale, Katherine, 1878-1956

Hale, Lucretia P. (Lucretia Peabody), 1820-1900

Hale, Mabel

Hale, Mrs.

See: Kirkland, Caroline M. (Caroline Matilda), 1801-1864

Haley, A. L.

Haley, Bart, 1876-

Haliburton, R. G. (Robert Grant), 1831-1901

Haliburton, Thomas Chandler, 1796-1865

Halibut, Edward

See: Wilson, Richard, 1920-1987


Hall, Angelo, 1868-1922

Hall, Austin, 1885?-1933

Hall, Desmond Winter, 1909-1992

Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 1790-1867

Halleck, Reuben Post, 1859-1936

Hall, Eliza Calvert, 1856-1935

Hallet, Richard Matthews, 1887-1967

Hallett, Emma V., 1832-1908

Hall, Florence Howe, 1845-1922

Hall, George Eli, 1863-1911

Hall, Gertrude

See: Brownell, Gertrude Hall, 1863-1961

Hall, Holworthy, 1887-1936

  • Rope (English) (as Author)

Hall, James R.

Hall, Jarvis

See: Bagg, Helen, 1879-1959

Hallock, Mary

See: Foote, Mary Hallock, 1847-1938

Hallowell, Eleanor A.

Hallowell, Sarah C., 1833-1914

Hall, Sharlot Mabridth, 1870-1943

Hall, Tom, 1862-1900

Halphin, Earnest

See: Miles, George H. (George Henry), 1824-1871

Halsall, William Formby, 1841-1919

Halsey, Harlan Page

See: Old Sleuth, 1839?-1898

Hämäläinen, Armas, 1884-1955

Hambidge, Jay, 1867-1924

Hamby, William H. (William Henry), 1876-1928

Hämeen-Anttila, Väinö, 1878-1942

Hamill, Katharine Forrest

Hamilton, Clayton Meeker, 1881-1946

Hamilton, Edmond, 1904-1977

Hamilton, Edward W., 1862-1943

Hamilton, Gail, 1833-1896

Hamilton, Leigh Brackett

See: Brackett, Leigh, 1915-1978

Hamilton, Levi Jackson

Hamilton, William T.

Hamilton, W. J., 1843-1892

Hamling, William L., 1921-2017

  • Patrol (English) (as Author)

Hammond, Gertrude Demain, 1862-1952

Hammond, H. R.

Hammond, Keith

See: Kuttner, Henry, 1915-1958

Hammond, Lily Hardy, 1859-1925

Hamm, T. D., 1905-1994

Hampe, Theo.

Hancock, H. Irving (Harrie Irving), 1868-1922

Handford, Thomas W.

Hank, Dick

Hankins, Arthur Preston, 1880-1932

Hanna, Abigail Stanley

Hansen, L. Taylor (Lucile Taylor), 1897-1976

Hansen-Reistrup, K.

Hanshew, Mary E.

Hanshew, Thomas W., 1857-1914

Hanson, Joseph Mills, 1876-

Hapgood, Hutchins, 1869-1944

Hapgood, Theodore B. (Theodore Brown), 1871-

Harbaugh, T. C. (Thomas Chalmers), 1849-1924

Harben, Will N. (Will Nathaniel), 1858-1919

Harcourt, Charles

See: Forbes-Lindsay, C. H., 1860-

Hardart, F. E.

Hardcastle, F. W.

Hard, Francis

See: Wright, Farnsworth, 1888-1940

Harding, Charlotte, 1873-1951

Harding, Ellison, 1851-1909


Hardy, Arthur Sherburne, 1847-1930

Hardy, William

Hare, J. Knowles

Harkins, E. F. (Edward Francis), 1872-

Harlan, Byron G., 1861-1936

Harland, Henry, 1861-1905

Harland, Marion, 1830-1922

Harlow, Lewis D. (Lewis Davis), 1818-1895

Harlow, Mabel


Harmon, Jim, 1933-2010

Harmon, Kenneth

Harned, Thomas Biggs, 1851-1921

Harness, Charles L., 1915-2005

Harney, George S.

Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911

Harper, Olive, 1842-1915

Harper, Wilhelmina, 1884-1973

Harper, W. St. John, 1851-1910

Harrell, Mary Sunlocks

Harré, T. Everett (Thomas Everett), 1884-1948

Harriman, Alice, 1861-1925

Harriman, Karl Edwin, 1875-1935


Harrington, Joseph F.

See: O'Brien, Edward J. (Edward Joseph), 1890-1941

Harriott, Clara Morris

See: Morris, Clara, 1848-1925

Harris, Arthur T.

Harris, Clare Winger, 1891-1968

Harris, Corra, 1869-1935

Harris, Credo Fitch, 1874-1956

Harris, Ella Stevens

Harris, Joel Chandler, 1848-1908

Harris, Larry M.

See: Janifer, Laurence M., 1933-2002

Harris, Miriam Coles, 1834-1925

Harrison, Burton, Mrs., 1843-1920

Harrison, Constance Cary

See: Harrison, Burton, Mrs., 1843-1920

Harrison, Harry, 1925-2012

Harrison, Henry Sydnor, 1880-1930

Harrison, S. Frances (Susie Frances), 1859-1935

Harris, Robert A. (Robert Alan), 1950-

Harris, Tom W.

Harris, William

Harris, W. S. (William Shuler), 1865-

Harte, Bret, 1836-1902

Hart, Edward, 1854-1931

Hart, Ellis

See: Ellison, Harlan, 1934-2018

Hart, Frances Noyes, 1890-1943

Hart, Jerome, 1854-1937

Hart, John S. (John Seely), 1810-1877

Hartke, E. H.

Hartley, Kenneth

Hartley, Marsden, 1877-1943

Hartmann, George, 1852-1934

Hartmann, Sadakichi, 1867-1944

Hartzell, H. A.

Harvey, Marion

Haseltine, Robert W.

Hasenett, A. V.

Hasse, Henry, 1913-1977

Hastings, Elizabeth

See: Sherwood, Margaret Pollock, 1864-1955

Hastings, George Gordon

Hastings, Hudson

See: Kuttner, Henry, 1915-1958

Hastings, Mary Bradley

See: Bradley, Mary Hastings, 1882-1976

Hastings, Milo, 1884-1957

Hastings, Wells, 1879-1923

Haswell, Susannah

See: Rowson, Mrs., 1762-1824

Hatcher, Eldridge B. (Eldridge Burwell), 1865-

Hatfield, Garold S.

Hatfield, Gordon

Hatherell, William, 1855-1928

Hatteras, Owen

See: Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis), 1880-1956

Hattie, Aunt

See: Leslie, Madeline, 1815-1893

Havel, Hippolyte, 1871-1950

Havens, Munson Aldrich, 1873-1942

Haviland-Taylor, Katharine, 1888-1941

Hawes, Charles Boardman, 1889-1923

Hawes, Mary Virginia

See: Harland, Marion, 1830-1922

Hawk, G. K.

Hawkins, Rush C. (Rush Christopher), 1831-1920

Hawkins, Willard E., 1887-1970

Hawks, Wells

Hawkwood, Allan

See: Bedford-Jones, H. (Henry), 1887-1949

Hawley, Mabel C.

Hawthorne, Julian, 1846-1934

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864

Hawthorne, R. M.

See: Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916

Hawthorne, Rose

See: Lathrop, Rose Hawthorne, 1851-1926

Hayashi, Kiyotoshi

Hayes, Augustus Allen, 1837-1892

Hayes, Clair W. (Clair Wallace), 1887-

Hayes, J. W. (Jeff W.), 1853-1917

Hayes, Kate Simpson, 1856-1945

Hay, Helen

See: Whitney, Helen Hay, 1875-1944

Hay, James, 1881-1936

Hay, John, 1838-1905

Hayman, Doris

Hayne, Mark

Haynes, Inez

See: Gillmore, Inez Haynes, 1873-1970

Hazard, Harry

See: Badger, Jos. E. (Joseph Edward), 1848-1909

Hazeltine, Lieut.-Col.

See: Hazelton, Harry

Hazelton, George Cochrane, 1868-1921

Hazelton, Harry

Hazenplug, Frank, 1874-1931

Hazleton, Harry

See: Hazelton, Harry

Hazzard, Wilton

See: St. Clair, Margaret, 1911-1995

H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), 1886-1961

Heady, Morrison, 1829-1915

Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-1904

Heath, Howard, 1879-

Heaton, H. R., -1940?

Heaven, Louise Palmer

See: Preston, Laura, 1846-

Heavysege, Charles, 1816-1876

Hecht, Ben, 1894-1964

Hedge-Cheney, Jacquelyn

Hedman, Valfrid, 1872-1939

Heermann, Elizabeth Alexander

See: Alexander, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Alexander Heermann), 1894-1976

Heffernan, Dean L.

Hegan, Alice Caldwell

See: Rice, Alice Caldwell Hegan, 1870-1942

Heine, Frank R.

Heiner, Alvin

Heise, Johanne Louise Charlotte

See: Führer, Ch. (Charlotte), 1834-1907

Helfenstein, Ernest

See: Smith, Elizabeth Oakes Prince, 1806-1893

Helforth, John

See: H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), 1886-1961

Heller, C. W.

Hellwag, H.

Hemenway, Hetty, 1890-1961

Heming, Arthur, 1871-1940

Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961

Hemphill, Vivia, 1889-1934

Hemstreet, Charles, 1866-

Hencke, Albert, 1865-1936

Henderson, Alice Corbin, 1881-1949

Henderson, Archibald, 1877-1963

Henderson, Elliott Blaine, 1877-1944

Henderson, Gene L.

Henderson, William J.

Hendryx, James B. (James Beardsley), 1880-1963

Henig, Stanley

  • Peace (English) (as Author)

Henley, William Ernest, 1849-1903

Henry, J.

Henry, O., 1862-1910

Henry, Stuart Oliver, 1860-1953

Henshall, Jeannette Fraser

Hensley, Joe L., 1926-2007

Hensley, Sophia Margaretta, 1866-1913

Hentz, Caroline Lee, 1800-1856

Herbert, A. P. (Alan Patrick), 1890-1971

Herbert, Frank, 1920-1986

Herbert, Henry William, 1807-1858

Herbert, Mary E.

Herbin, John Frederic, 1860-1923

Herford, Oliver, 1863-1935

Hergesheimer, Joseph, 1880-1954

Herman, William (Author of The dance of death)

Hernhuter, Albert, 1934-

Herold, Heinrich

See: Fogowitz, Andrea H., 1858-1909

Herr, Charlotte B. (Charlotte Bronte), 1875-1963

Herrick, Robert, 1868-1938

Hersey, Frances

See: Warner, Frances Lester, 1888-

Hersey, Harold, 1893-1956

Hershman, Morris, 1926-

Hervey, Harry, 1900-1951

Hess, Sonya Dorman

See: Dorman, Sonya, 1924-2005

Hess, Walter Léon

Hetschel, Dick

Hettler, Clara

See: Drussai, Garen, 1916-2009

Heydrick, Benjamin A. (Benjamin Alexander), 1871-1932?

Heyward, DuBose, 1885-1940

Hickey, H. B., 1916-1987

Hickox, Chauncey

Hidalgo, Miguel

Higginbotham, Helena

Higgins, Olive Chapin

See: Prouty, Olive Higgins, 1882-1974

Higginson, Ella, 1862-1940

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911

Higham, Daniel

Highe, Jefferson

Hill, A. F. (Ashbel Fairchild), 1842-1876

Hill, Arthur G.

Hiller, Lejaren A., 1880-

Hill, Frederick Trevor, 1866-1930

Hill, Grace Livingston, 1865-1947

Hilliard, A. R. (Alec Rowley), 1908-1951

Hill, James Langdon, 1848-1931

Hill, Jennie Earngey

  • Poems (English) (as Author)

Hill, John A. (John Alexander), 1858-1916

Hill, Murry K., 1865-1942

Hillyer, Robert, 1895-1961

Hinckley, Lyman D.

Hine, C. C. (Charles Cole), 1825-1897

Hinton, Walter Haskell, 1886-1980

Hippensteel, Henry Sherman

Hirn, Karin, 1869-1943

Hirn, Y. (Yrjö), 1870-1952

Hirvelä, Kerttu Emilia

See: Simolin, Kerttu Emilia, 1887-1919

Hitchcock, Champion Ingraham

Hitchcock, Lucius Wolcott, 1868-1942

Hitchcock, Mary, 1865-

Hjertstedt, Gunard R.

See: Keene, Day, 1904-1969

Hoar, Roger Sherman

See: Farley, Ralph Milne, 1887-1963

Hobart, George V. (George Vere), 1867-1926

Hodgkins, David C.

See: Budrys, Algis, 1931-2008

Hodgson, Frances Eliza

See: Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 1849-1924

Hoffenstein, Samuel, 1890?-1947

Hoffman, Charles Fenno, 1806-1884

Hoffman, Frank B., 1888-1958

Hogarth, William, Jr.

See: Kent, Rockwell, 1882-1971

Holcombe, William H. (William Henry), 1825-1893

Holden, Fox B., 1923-

Holden, Martha Everts, 1844?-1896

Holding, Elisabeth Sanxay, 1889-1955

Holland, Byron

See: Harlan, Byron G., 1861-1936

Holland, J. G. (Josiah Gilbert), 1819-1881

Holland, Norah M. (Norah Mary), 1876-1925

Holley, Horace, 1887-1960

Holley, Marietta, 1836-1926