Summary |
"The Hollow Lens" by Henry Leverage is a crime fiction novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around Chester Fay, a skilled safecracker, who becomes embroiled in a dangerous heist, targeting a notorious criminal known as "The Black Cougar." The narrative delves into the underbelly of the criminal world, highlighting themes of deception, ambition, and the blurred lines between right and wrong. The plot unfolds when Fay meets Saidee Laurie, the daughter of a criminal serving time, who proposes a robbery against "The Black Cougar," a man only too familiar with illegal schemes. Together, they devise a plan to penetrate the highly secure vault of this unscrupulous money-grabber, employing innovative techniques to bypass its defenses. As they carry out their intricate scheme, Fay discovers that Saidee's true intentions may not align with his own, revealing a twist of betrayal and clever subterfuge. Ultimately, the story culminates in unexpected revelations about the characters' motivations, intertwining personal stakes with a larger battle against corruption, providing a gripping reading experience packed with suspense. (This is an automatically generated summary.)