Summary |
"Equation of Doom" by Gerald Vance is a science fiction novel written in the late 1950s. The story explores themes of survival, interstellar travel, and humanity's encounter with an ancient, god-like race known as proto-man. It follows Jason Ramsey, a stranded pilot on the hostile planet Irwadi, as he navigates conflict with local authorities and inadvertently becomes embroiled in a quest for power that transcends time and space. The narrative centers around Jason Ramsey's plight after being grounded on Irwadi, where he encounters Margot Dennison, a determined Earthgirl with a mission to unlock the secrets of her father's infamous research on hyper-space and proto-man. As they attempt to escape Irwadi, Ramsey struggles with inner demons while grappling with the seduction of power that comes with uncovering the ancient secrets. Together with a timid Vegan girl named Vardin, they work to repair a derelict ship, the Enterprise, while being pursued by local security forces. Tension mounts as they ultimately confront the terrifying possibilities of proto-man's capabilities in the hyper-space continuum, leading to a climactic decision that could change the fate of humanity. The story intricately interweaves the elements of adventure, romance, and philosophical pondering on power and its implications, making for a captivating read. (This is an automatically generated summary.)