Summary |
"Hard Cash" by Charles Reade is a novel written during the late 19th century. The story revolves around the Dodd family, particularly focusing on Mrs. Dodd and her children—Edward and Julia—as they navigate social expectations, personal ambitions, and familial bonds in a rapidly changing society. The narrative outlines their lives, struggles, and ambitions, delving into issues like education, fate, and societal pressures related to wealth and status. At the start of "Hard Cash," the narrator introduces the main characters and their family dynamics. Mrs. Dodd, a woman of grace caught between her past and present, raises her children with strong moral values and high aspirations. Edward, her son, feels inadequate compared to his more accomplished peers, particularly a young man named Hardie. Julia, his sister, displays an ardent spirit and a desire for equality in achievement. The opening chapters establish their respective personalities and relationships, leading into themes of competition, familial pride, and the impending challenges that their ambitions will evoke. The stage is set for further developments as the Dodd family's intertwined destinies unfold against the backdrop of society's expectations. (This is an automatically generated summary.)